Monday, January 16, 2017

Stock Options Journal Entries

Ce sommet couvrira les derniers défis commerciaux et technologiques qui affectent le buy-side dans un paysage financier et réglementaire en constante évolution, ainsi que des stratégies novatrices pour optimiser l'exécution du commerce, gérer les risques et accroître l'efficacité opérationnelle tout en minimisant les coûts. WatersTechnology et Sell-Side Technology sont heureux de présenter le 7e Sommet annuel de l'architecture commerciale en Amérique du Nord. Regroupant des technologues, des architectes, des développeurs de logiciels et des gestionnaires de centres de données de la communauté financière pour discuter des derniers enjeux de la technologie de négociation. Date: 05 avr. 2017 New York Marriott Marquis, New York Sommet de la technologie de l'information financière de Tokyo, Waters TechnologyCliquez sur les annonces pour en savoir plus Jeudi 28 octobre 2010 Championnats du monde à la télévision (UK) - Eurosport affichera comme suit: Mardi 2 novembre 23: 00-00: 15 jours en direct 4 Marathons 3 Nov 10: 00-11: 15 jours 4 round-up Weds 3 nov. Également 21: 30-00: 30 jour en direct 5 course Jeudi 4 Nov 10:00 -13: 00 et 15: 00-18: 00 jour 5 round-up ven 5 nov 07: 30-09: 00 qui je pense doit être jour 6 ven 5 nov 16: 00-17: 10 aussi jour 6 sam 6 Nov 10: 00-12: 00, 7e jour, 7e dimanche, 7 novembre 11h00 - 13h00, 8e journée. Ils montrent également plus de 08: 45-10: 15 et 13: 15-14: 15 le lundi 8 novembre, et 07: 35-09: 00 le mercredi 10 Nov. La BBC montre quelques courses en direct sur le bouton rouge, Et la FISA diffusera sa couverture en ligne habituelle sur le site WorldRowing. Eurosport présente également les points saillants des championnats d'Europe au Portugal, à 10h00 le mardi 2 novembre et à 09h00 le 3 mars. Les détails de Evesham Main Head (UK) sont en ligne. 4000m en amont, les entrées ferment jeudi 18 novembre. NERN (Royaume-Uni) avertit les rameurs de Tyneside que l'autorité de Port de Tyne est en train de s'essayer à des lancements rapides. Lundi 25 octobre 2010 Des nouvelles absolument tragiques (Royaume-Uni). C'est une terrible raison de relancer le service d'aviron, mais il y a de terribles nouvelles ce matin. Andy Holmes, double champion olympique (GBR M4 1984 et M2- 1988), est décédé la nuit dernière en soins intensifs, après avoir été malade pendant une semaine avec ce qu'on pensait être la leptospirose, alias la maladie de Weils. Il s'agit d'une infection à l'eau transmise par l'urine de nombreux animaux (y compris les souris, les rats, les campagnols, les loutres, et il peut être pris par les chiens). Les athlètes sur les lacs et les rivières devraient prendre toutes les précautions qu'ils peuvent pour empêcher l'eau d'entrer dans leur bouche ou blessures. La maladie de Weils n'est pas toujours mortelle, mais bien que Andy réagisse apparemment, son foie et ses reins ont été touchés. Il avait été entraîneur à Langley Academy (Dorney) et Furnivall Sculling Club (Tideway). Bien qu'il n'y ait aucune confirmation définitive de la maladie, ou comment il l'a attrapé, les rameurs et les cox devraient prendre comme un avertissement pour être très prudent, quel que soit le tronçon de rivière ils sont, dans n'importe quel pays. Il est trop tôt encore pour plus de détails ou s'il y aura un service commémoratif. Pièce télégraphique (RQ, UK). Rowers sauvés du déversoir de Tyne Green dans Hexham (Journal Live, Royaume-Uni). Résultats de la tête du Charles (Boston, USA). Les singles du championnat ont été remportés par Michael Sivigny (Marcel Hacker deuxième) et Gevvie Stone. Les otages du championnat ont été remportés par Washington (hommes) et Princeton (femmes). Beaucoup d'absentés bien sûr, avec les mondes sur le point de commencer. Les championnats du monde 2010 sur le lac Karapiro en Nouvelle-Zélande sont à seulement quelques jours - voir wrch2010 pour le site officiel de l'événement, et le site Web de l'aviron du monde pour les détails FISA. Les entrées sont en ligne dans la page des résumés. Comme le calendrier (format PDF pour la plupart des fichiers). N'importe qui en Grande-Bretagne qui a besoin de transporter leur scull (s) à la Turin Silver Skiff s'il vous plaît contacter Christy Job sur 07775504248 christyameliajobyahoo. co. uk. Samedi 23 octobre 2010 Les épreuves de l'équipe de NE pour la régate interrégionale junior (RU) auront lieu à Cambois RC le dimanche 6 mars 2011. Le JIRR est au Centre national de sports nautiques, Holme Pierrepont (Nottingham, Royaume-Uni) le samedi 9 avril 2011. Plus de mises à jour pour combler les lacunes, plus tard. Vendredi 22 octobre 2010 Mystic Worlds est un jeu ouvert Mystic Worlds pour deviner qui remportera les titres du championnat 2010. Vous pouvez changer vos sélections jusqu'à une heure avant le début des courses le jeudi 4 novembre. Mercredi 29 Septembre 2010 Ahhhh, l'observation saisonnière de l'hippopotame rose rare (cette fois dans le Telegraph, Royaume-Uni). Membres du Club Leander partout dans le monde, disent mignons. L'ordre de départ et les temps de navigation pour les LDS de Wallingford sont en ligne (Royaume-Uni). Notez que tous les numéros d'archet ont été révisés dimanche dernier et que la navigation tardive ne sera pas autorisée. Autres documents ici (format PDF). L'otariste transatlantique Jock Wishart fait une rangée au pôle - au pôle Nord magnétique - l'été prochain. Lui et son équipe sont à la recherche d'un membre final pour l'équipage, qui va filer du Canada à la pôle magnétique dans un bateau de glace. L'exploit n'est possible que grâce à la fonte des calottes glaciaires de l'Arctique qui se produit chaque année à la mi-été. Voir le site Web Row To The Pole pour plus de détails sur la façon de rivaliser pour être le dernier dans l'équipage, et le rapport de la BBC pour l'histoire. Mardi 28 septembre 2010 Le tirage au sort du Tees Scullers Head (Royaume-Uni) est en ligne (format Excel). Voir aussi la page des événements Tees SBH qui contient des téléchargements de tous les documents importants, y compris l'ordre de départ. (Fichiers principalement. xls et. pdf, également disponibles sous forme de package. zip combiné). Le bureau de presse de l'University Boat Race (Royaume-Uni) a annoncé que le COUB et le CUBC tiendront leurs épreuves le même jour cette année mercredi 8 décembre. L'un sera à midi, l'autre à midi. Cette année, la course masculine aura lieu le samedi 26 mars 2011, avec les courses pour les femmes et les poids légers (Henley Boat Races) le lendemain, le dimanche 27 mars. Le chef de la rivière (mens) est une semaine après, le 2 avril, avec le chef des anciens combattants le 3 avril. Lundi 27 septembre 2010 Les résultats des championnats canadiens RBC sont en ligne - résultats globaux par épreuve. Et voir la page d'index RC de Victoria City pour les résultats avec et sans intervalles pour chaque jour (Canada, fichiers PDF). Consultez le site Web d'Aviron Canada pour obtenir d'autres liens et communiqués de presse. Vendredi 20 août 2010 Im a dit par Mercia Marine (Royaume-Uni) qu'ils font de l'assurance bateau à rames, et voudrais être inscrit, même si je n'ai pas personnel Connaissance de leur travail (RQ). Le rowing-quote section semble un peu confus, car ils ne semblent pas se rendre compte que dans le Royaume-Uni bateaux à rames ne sont pas enregistrés de la même manière que les croiseurs. Quoi qu'il en soit, ici vous allez, theyre énumérés. Résultats des championnats universitaires mondiaux (Hongrie, week-end dernier). Les dossiers pour les finales sont des fichiers PDF, et incluent des noms d'équipage. Curieusement, la course 99 (M4-A-finale) est toujours manquante. Nouvelles de l'aviron en ligne - Le succès de l'aviron au Canada (Dumfries Galloway Standard, Écosse, R.-U.), Les courses d'aviron dans la famille (Simcoe, Canada), l'aviron maritime domine les ressortissants (The Hour, USA), MHS grad Popescue gagne de l'or (Princeton Packet, ), World serious: Campbell prend le troisième rang en championnat d'aviron (New Canaan Advertiser, États-Unis) , Thornton aide le Canada à gagner CanAMex (The Citizen, Canada). Mardi 17 août 2010 Le tirage au sort du Wingfield Sculls (Royaume-Uni) est terminé. Cette année, les Wingfields auront lieu le mardi 24 août (Putney à Mortlake), avec les Wingfields Femmes à 12h30 et la course mens à 13h30. La date a été reportée de son point habituel d'octobre en raison des derniers championnats du monde. Il célèbre également le 180e anniversaire de la course que le fondateur Henry Wingfield a déclaré à l'origine devrait être ramé lors de son anniversaire, le 10 août pour toujours. Concurrents (tirage de la station de Surrey à la station de Middlesex): Beth Rodford, championne défensive Sophie Hosking, Anna Watkins et Ros Bradbury Hommes Alan Campbell, Marcus Bateman, Brendan Crean. Le champion en titre Mahe Drysdale n'est pas en course, puisque hes en Nouvelle-Zélande se prépare pour les mondes. 1990 champion Rory Henderson sera arbitre. Lundi 16 août 2010 La régate des Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse a commencé hier (Singapour) - voir le site officiel des YOG pour les résultats et les nouvelles. Theres un système maladroitement écrit pour vomir les résultats, ce qui n'est pas facile - voir la page des résultats d'aviron pour la liste complète des courses. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec l'applet, copiez les liens vers des pages individuelles et essayez de les charger dans un autre navigateur. Les résultats des championnats du monde universitaires d'aviron de la FISU (Szeged, Hongrie) ce week-end sont disponibles sur le site officiel. Voir la page des résultats de chaque course - les documents sont des PDF. Le seul défaut est la M4-A-finale, pour des raisons complètement inconnues. Voir aussi la galerie de photos - les fichiers sont téléchargeables sous forme d'archives. zip, que vous pouvez ensuite décompresser pour voir des images JPG. Vendredi 13 août 2010 Ce dimanche, en Suisse, le Red Bull X-Row. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle course épique de Zoug, en remontant le lac de Zoug en huit, en courant au coin nord-est du lac des Quatre-Cantons, en remuant une branche, en courant à l'autre et en remontant la dernière jambe au centre de Lucerne. 40 équipages participant, dont Toby Garbett, et apparemment plusieurs membres de l'équipe nationale suisse. Voir ici pour plus de détails. La table des points et les résultats de la course complète de la Home International à Cork le mois dernier (Irlande, les fichiers au format PDF). Scottish Rowing fait de la publicité pour un nouveau directeur du développement de l'aviron. Seuls les nouveaux candidats peuvent postuler. Voir l'annonce. La description de poste et le dossier de travail. Les candidatures seront clôturées le vendredi 27 août à midi et les entrevues auront lieu le vendredi 3 septembre au Scottish Rowing Centre (Royaume-Uni). Commercial RC (Irlande) est à la recherche d'entraîneurs expérimentés pour leur équipe senior mens pour la saison 2010-11. Envoyez vos lettres de créance au secrétaire du club Michael Reidy avant le 31 août si vous souhaitez être considéré. Presse d'aviron - Caspar vise la gloire d'aviron (Richmond Twickenham Times, Royaume-Uni), Canada voyage plein de couleurs pour Hicks (Cambridge Evening News, Royaume-Uni), Turton terres double d'or (Cambridge Evening News, Royaume-Uni) North Shore Sun, États-Unis), le Team Crews Goldberg remporte la médaille d'argent (Sarasota Herald Tribune, Etats-Unis), St Francis diplômé remporte l'argent au championnat d'aviron (Modesto Bee, USA) Nathan Cohen veut terminer son podium aux championnats d'aviron (Southland Times, NZ), New boat aide les débutants à explorer l'aviron (Northern Echo, Royaume-Uni), Sport. co. uk rencontre . Greg Searle (un spot publicitaire de Sport. co. uk, Royaume-Uni), le Conseil a mis en garde sur la conception de pontons (Fraser Coast Chronicle, Australie), Boost pour Stourport régate (Kidderminster Shuttle, Royaume-Uni), j'ai battu l'Atlantique - maintenant pour Everest (Basingstoke Gazette, Royaume-Uni), Taking on the world (Nouvelles locales quotidiennes, États-Unis). Jeudi 12 août 2010 Depuis la publication de l'affiche de régate de la régate d'automne de Worcester (Royaume-Uni, format PDF), Worcester RC a ajouté une série d'événements mixtes au programme de course, afin que plus de gens puissent gagner des points. Les événements mixtes ne sont pas sur l'affiche mais ont été ajoutés à BROE et seront généralement dans la division opposée de l'événement openwomens du même statut. Les équipes doivent entrer à leur statut habituel, mais elles peuvent être déplacées vers le haut pour créer des événements suffisamment complets, à moins d'indication contraire. Worcester offre également 50 prix aux équipes qui gagnent les novices et les novices. Rowing dans les nouvelles - Les fans d'aviron se préparent à flotter leur bateau (East Lothian Courier, Écosse, Royaume-Uni), la compétition un nouveau défi pour Bundon (Regina Leader Post, Canada), Seven Head pour les Jeux En tant que champion du monde d'aviron (News Post Leader, Royaume-Uni), Rowers se plaignent d'une brillance huileuse sur le Schuylkill (Philadelphie, Etats-Unis), Tiverton club d'aviron pour entrer en régate (Mid Devon Star, Royaume-Uni), Allderdice grad un rameur de classe mondiale (Pittsburgh (Waikato Times, NZ), le défi d'études Rowers (The Mercury, Australie), l'équipe pleine de régions talentueux (Marlborough Express, NZ), les athlètes d'Ottawa trouvent le succès dans l'eau Aux Jeux d'été de l'Ontario (Ottawa Citizen, Canada), Sting reste pour certains des Jeux d'été 1980, boycottés à Moscou (Stamford Advocate, États-Unis - une histoire qui a connu plusieurs formes dernièrement). Mardi 10 août 2010 Comme l'année dernière, les organisateurs du Bremer Achtercup (Allemagne, 19 Septembre) organisent un concours pour un équipage non allemand pour gagner gratuitement l'hébergement, les frais d'entrée et d'hébergement à la régate, en répondant à un court quiz. Consultez la page du quiz sur le site officiel pour savoir comment participer. Les équipages gagnants n'auront qu'à se rendre à la régate - prêt gratuit d'un bateau et des lames peuvent être organisées si nécessaire. L'année dernière, environ 15 équipes ont participé, donc il ya une bonne chance de gagner. Cette année, ils ouvrent la compétition aux juniors, maîtres et mixtes, ainsi qu'aux hommes et aux adultes des adultes. Les inscriptions doivent être soumises avant le 31 août et les gagnants seront avisés d'ici le 5 septembre. Voir aussi la page 1 et la page 2 de l'information pour les participants. De la NERN à ramer Yahoo Group (Royaume-Uni) - Une voiture a été brisée à Tyne RC aujourd'hui, alors que le camp de sculling a eu lieu. Les utilisateurs de la région sont invités à prendre un soin particulier à la sécurité. Nouvelles de l'actualité - Les Rowers sont en deçà du voyage historique (East Bay RI, Etats-Unis), Sutton à la file pour Crimson Tide (Nord-Géorgien, Etats-Unis), Sport est un excellent moyen de construire la grande société (Surrey Herald, UK) (Mark Hunter écrit au London Evening Standard, Royaume-Uni), Campbell prend le troisième rang en championnat d'aviron (New Canaan Advertiser, Etats-Unis) ), La foule d'Hometown a inspiré le médaillé d'or (le journal de télégraphe, le Canada), ne mentionne pas le you-know-ce (TVNZ, NZ), fille de ville gagne un titre mondial en République tchèque (Peterborough Evening Telegraph, RU) Champions (Hunts Post, Royaume-Uni). Lundi 9 août 2010 Le site Web de Katherine Graingers chez katherinegrainger (Royaume-Uni) a été rénové. Malheureusement, son interview diffusée aujourd'hui sur BBC Scotland n'est pas disponible sur la BBC iPlayer, car il s'agit d'un programme régionalement limité. Samedi 7 août 2010 La UK Surf Rowers League (Royaume-Uni) a publié son rapport sur les championnats ouverts de surfboat. Intitulé Henley Royal vient à la plage. Mercredi 4 août 2010 Demain, les championnats du monde juniors se concrétiseront à Racice (République tchèque). Voir la page des entriessummaries sur FISA, le tirage au sort (sous réserve de confirmation au tirage cet après-midi). Lundi 26 juillet 2010 Mise à jour tardive - Cambridge a nommé Steve Trapmore MBE comme son nouvel entraîneur en chef, pour commencer en septembre lorsque l'équipe de Boat Race reviendra (Royaume-Uni). Un communiqué de presse a été envoyé et devrait être publié sur le site Boat Race demain. Leur dernier entraîneur adjoint, Edouard Blanc, est en train de passer à l'action, alors ils font aussi de la publicité pour un nouvel entraîneur assistant pour travailler avec Steve. Voir le billet d'affichage - la version plus propre va monter demain. Résultats des championnats mondiaux des moins de 23 ans disponibles auprès de la FISA. Y compris des résumés ici et une galerie de photos. Résultats du Bedford Quarts Sprint (Royaume-Uni) dans le format Bedford incroyablement brillant, jolie et très fonctionnel. Les résultats de la régate Henley Veteran Regatta (Royaume-Uni) ont été mis en fichier PDF. Résultats de la régate de Molesey samedi et dimanche. En format PDF (Royaume-Uni). Et de Kingston Regatta (Royaume-Uni). Les résultats de Burton Regatta (Royaume-Uni) du samedi et du dimanche sont en hausse, au format PDF, ainsi que des photos. La France a remporté le match anglo-français 8-5: voir le site Loire pour plus de détails et ici pour le site de l'événement. Les photos des Championnats britanniques d'aviron (Royaume-Uni) sont en hausse sur la page Flickr de David Nolans. Darroch Photographie et Snapper Rons. Détails de la British Rowing Coaching Conference (Royaume-Uni) sont en ligne - son 18-19 Septembre au Beffroi de Nottingham. Voir l'horaire provisoire et le formulaire de demande (les deux documents Word). La date de clôture des candidatures est fixée au 12 août 2010. La classification des athlètes adaptatifs intéressés par l'aviron aura lieu à deux régates cette saison (Royaume-Uni), la régate adaptative primaire Tees, le samedi 7 août et la régate de Peterborough le dimanche 15 août. Voir la page British Rowing sur le sujet pour plus de détails. La classification est gratuite. Je soupçonne qu'ils pourraient également classer les athlètes adaptatifs qui ne rangent pas encore, aussi, bien que vous pourriez vouloir envoyer à Pippa Randolph pour vérifier. Le rameur de Loch Lomond Tom Claxton et son camarade de classe Giles Calder font du vélo de John OGroats à Lands End pour amasser des fonds pour WaterAid (Royaume-Uni). Le lien est à leur page JustGiving. Pendant ce temps, une mise à jour sur la ligne ForgetMeNot (Royaume-Uni, voir 22 juin). La bataille du vendredi de Henley a été un succès énorme, et ils sont maintenant à 77 000, bien au-dessus de leur cible de 50 000 livres pour le Fonds de recherche sur la maladie d'Alzheimer. Les dons peuvent toujours être acceptés sur la page JustGiving et écouter l'interview de Regatta Radio avec Jamie Graham pour entendre ce qui se passe. (Henley Standard, Royaume-Uni - notez que la régate pour les handicapés n'est pas un événement d'aviron adaptatif, c'est un événement nautique pour amasser des fonds pour tous les handicapés), Coach aide la police à sauver la femme nue du fleuve (Henley Standard , Royaume-Uni), Quarante ans plus tard, le radical continue de se soustraire à la capture (Vancouver Sun, Canada, une excellente façon de faire de l'aviron dans les nouvelles), Classy Cantabs et City dans le contrôle de croisière aux bosses (Cambridge Evening News, Royaume-Uni), Michigans Felice Mueller, Ashley Kroll A remporté la médaille de bronze (Calgary Herald, Canada), My, qui a remporté la médaille de bronze (Calgary Herald, Canada) LACMA présente la première exposition LA de Thomas Eakins depuis 1927 (Art Daily, Etats-Unis), Maher (Royaume-Uni) Amis surpris par des chargeurs de terreur contre l'homme de Fairfax (Washington Examiner, Etats-Unis), les résultats d'aviron coulent chaud et froid (Marlborough Express, NZ), Quadruple Prendre l'argent sterling (Irish Times, Irlande), Shadi remporte l'or au tournoi d'aviron u23 (Tehran Times, Iran), deux médailles pour le Canada à l'aviron mondial sous 23 championnats (version Row2ks du communiqué de Rowing Canada Aviron, James Cracknells a déclaré que sa détermination aidera à la récupération de l'écrasement (Daily Telegraph, Royaume-Uni), NZ u23 équipages d'aviron saisir deux argent (Stuff, NZ), Cash grant boosts club (Henley Standard, Royaume-Uni) (Deccan Chronicle, Inde), Watervliets gym (Albany Times Union, Etats-Unis), les femmes huit gagne l'or, trois autres médaille dimanche à l'aviron du monde 2010 sous 23 championnats (version Row2ks de Unis), Ogdensburgs Hirt excelle (Watertown Daily Times, Canada), le réservoir de Pandan pour être centre de sports d'eau (Asia One, Singapour), Rowers Peterson aide l'équipe de moule (QC Varsity, Etats-Unis), le journal de Claire Ludlow (Irlandais Indépendant, l'Irlande), Clovelly junior rangs dans l'équipe nationale de coxless fourreaux (San Francisco Examiner, Etats-Unis) Wentworth Courier, Australie), ancien homme Doune aide la charité (Stirling Observer, Ecosse, Royaume-Uni). Jeudi 22 juillet 2010 Take That mise à jour - le tournage a été fait sur la portée Staines de la Tamise, près de Runnymede Bridge (Royaume-Uni). Carl Douglas a converti un couple de bowloader 4 coquilles en 5x-coquilles pour les utiliser, et le Take That a été poussé par le bateau de la caméra pour obtenir à la vitesse. L'autre équipage était un groupe de gars de Leander, et le spécial Take That kit a été fait par Godfrey Rowsports. Stand-in lookalikes remonté le bateau pour certains des plans plus longs. Et un mixte 2x de Staines étaient sur l'eau en même temps, et pense theyre dans la vidéo (youll être chanceux, c'est étonnant comment les caméras serrées peuvent se concentrer quand ils veulent). Julian Norton et Roger Brown ont battu le record du monde pour une victoire de 24 heures sur un C2 - voir le site Web pour leur tentative de charité pour plus de détails. Tout l'argent recueilli à Hospice Homecare (Royaume-Uni). Lundi 19 juillet 2010 Résultats des championnats nationaux britanniques hier (UK) en ligne - voir les résultats en format texte pour vendredi. Samedi et dimanche. Malheureusement, le service de résultats en direct n'a pas fonctionné en raison de problèmes de pare-feu avec l'ordinateur sur le site, mais les fichiers complets étaient en place rapidement après la course, ce qui est pratique. Peut-être vaut quelqu'un encore entrer les résultats en direct maintenant afin que la recherche par clubraceevent est plus facile. Les championnats du monde des moins de 23 ans auront lieu la semaine prochaine, du jeudi 22 juillet au dimanche 25 juillet inclus. Voir les listes FISA des entrées dans diverses combinaisons (fichiers au format PDF), l'horaire actuel des courses et le site officiel des événements (en anglais et en russe). Un lecteur recommande ce fournisseur pour les sangles pour bateaux - dit son club a acheté un bon nombre de remplacer les cravates perdues et qu'ils sont de qualité décente. Notez que ceux montrés dans l'annonce plus longue (cliquez sur n'importe quel produit et faites défiler vers le bas) ne les montrent avec rembourrage derrière la boucle cam, ce qui est une bonne idée pour les bateaux à rames. Les places finales des Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse sont décidées (FISA). Voir aussi la liste des bateaux qualifiés par fédération nationale et par événement (format PDF), mais pas encore la liste des concurrents inscrits, le communiqué de presse de la FISA et le site officiel des YOG (le lien sur la page FISA est mal codé). Un avis pour le Team Durham sculling camps (Royaume-Uni), qui se déroulent du 1er au 6 août (junior) et du 9 au 13 août (senior), sur le Tyne à Newburn. Le chef de l'équipe locale BR dit beaucoup de nourriture est fournie dans le cadre de l'accord. - ça m'a l'air bien. Rappelons que les nominations pour les prix de l'entraîneur de l'année de British Rowings (Royaume-Uni) se clôturent le jeudi 22 juillet - consultez la page principale du site Web du BR pour plus de détails. Les entraîneurs sont admissibles dans les catégories Éducation (payé ou bénévole), Club Performance (bénévoles seulement), Club Development (bénévoles uniquement) et Coaching Team (maximum d'un entraîneur payant). Le formulaire de nomination au format PDF doit être envoyé à l'AC avant le 22 juillet, puis transmis aux conseils régionaux d'aviron pour corroboration. Se rassemblant pour Reading Rowing Club (Reading Post, Royaume-Uni), au sujet du nouveau projet de 610 000 pour moderniser le boothouse de lecture de RC de 21 ans. Jeudi 15 juillet 2010 Un étudiant au doctorat appelé Luke Felton. Faisant de la psychologie du sport à l'Université de Loughborough (Royaume-Uni), souhaiterait que les rameurs âgés de 15 à 35 ans qui suivent une formation régulière (ou hors saison entre les périodes de formation normales) l'aident en remplissant un questionnaire sur la façon dont les relations avec Entraîneurs et parents affectent leur bien-être. Naturellement toutes les données seront gardées complètement confidentielles. L'enquête est en ligne, prend environ 30-40 minutes pour compléter, et de souligner à nouveau que seuls les athlètes de 15-35 ans d'entraînement actif sont invités à participer. Voir le lien du sondage pour plus de détails. Ceci a d'abord été annoncé sur la liste de diffusion NERowing, mais hes un étudiant légitime et il semble comme si hes apprécient un bassin de données plus large. Il y aura un service de tir en direct des championnats nationaux britanniques ce week-end (Royaume-Uni). L'excellent nouveau site Web (note modifiée adresse à britchamps. org) comprend également un grand livre des gagnants (clidk sur une année pour voir un Adobe Flash image zoomable des gagnants pour cette année), une archive de bons résultats remontant à 1997 et un Liste des heures d'enregistrement. Une affiche et un formulaire de candidature pour le prochain cours de coaching de niveau 2 dans le nord-est de l'Angleterre (Royaume-Uni, les deux fichiers format MS Word). La Royal Regatta d'Oxford City (Royaume-Uni) propose un événement 2x adaptatif ainsi que l'événement d'équipe mixte mixte habituel (prix: quatre lames de smoothie C2) et Quart Sprint Eights. Voir ce lien pour les principaux événements proposés, car le lien sur la page d'accueil est légèrement incorrect. Ross, un nouveau partenaire des titres mondiaux (une pièce légèrement inexacte de Warrnambool Standard, en Australie), Laides (Etats-Unis) La ronde complète du réseau social est trippy (CNet News, USA, et oui, elle inclut la bande-annonce complète), les rameurs locaux se portent bien aux provinces (Kamloops cette semaine, au Canada), à Litchfield (Onalaska Holmen Courier Life, Etats-Unis), McCabe sur la double quête 2010 (Recorder Times, Canada), les jeunes rameurs pakistanais participeront au championnat junior mondial d'aviron ( Peoples Daily Online, Chine), l'équipe nationale junior choisit Graham Anderson (Weston Forum, USA). Samedi 10 juillet 2010 La couverture en direct de la finale de la coupe du monde de demain (les vrais, pas le footy) varie. La BBC (Royaume-Uni) prévoit actuellement de diffuser le 09: 20-10: 40 et de 12: 00-13: 55 BST (GMT1) sur le bouton rouge dimanche, également disponible sur Freeview. Cette fois, le programme des points forts sera le lundi 12 Juillet, 14: 00-15: 00 BST, et disponible pour une semaine sur l'iPlayer par la suite. Eurosport diffusera le dimanche 11 juillet de 9h15 à 10h45 (Eurosport HD), 18h30-19h00 et 19h15-20h00 (Eurosport et Eurosport) et le lundi 12 juillet à 09h : 00-10: 15 (Eurosport britannique uniquement). Vérifiez les horaires en fonction du pays où vous vivez - les horaires de télévision ne sont pas clairs, qu'ils soient au Royaume-Uni (GMT1) ou CET (GMT2) fois. FISA courir un aliment en direct lors de la finale, à partir de leur site Web, voir fisa. feedroom. Cela a des commentaires en anglais et les courses sont ensuite disponibles en ligne à travers la salle d'alimentation après (WCup A-finale seulement). Les finales de Munich et de Poznan sont déjà en cours, ainsi que diverses courses de l'année dernière. Vendredi 9 juillet 2010 Alerte précoce du Wingfield Sculls, qui a son 180e anniversaire cette année. Pour marquer l'occasion et permettre aux Internationaux d'aller au monde de la compétition, la course habituelle d'octobre a été reportée au mardi 24 août, avec la course féminine à 12h30 et la course masculine à 13h30 (Tideway, Londres, ROYAUME-UNI). Je ne pense pas que les entrées sont fermées encore - contactez Wade Hall-Craggs si vous pensez que vous êtes admissible et que vous voulez entrer. La date des Henley Boat Races 2011 a été établie: c'était une affaire complexe en fonction d'un calendrier d'aviron assez tardif, de la fin des temps et de la course mensuelle, mais maintenant on a décidé que les femmes Oxford et Cmabridge et les poids légers courraient le dimanche 27 Mars 2011, le lendemain de la course mens. Les billets pour la balle de course seront mis en vente au début de 2011. La coupe du monde d'aviron de Lucerne commence aujourd'hui - voir le circuit. L'alimentation de twitter de Rowing Voice. Le calendrier (PDF), les communications officielles et la page de résultats principale. Le site officiel du comité organisateur est ruderwelt-luzern. ch (Schweizer-Deutsch English). Lundi 5 juillet 2010 Résultats, pix, etc de Henley Royal Regatta sur le site officiel. Regatta Radio a été à HRR pour sa 5ème année consécutive, et a des faits saillants de toute la semaine, y compris le célèbre Henley Swim, sur son site Web. Mystic Henley a été remporté par DT17 (alias Zoe de Toledo), qui, par une coïncidence complète, a tweeté sur le feed Twitter de Rowing Voice (remontez quelques jours). Elle et AndyK ont été liés pour le prix du panier, et un tirage au sort par Adrian Morris, fondateur de Regatta Radio, a jeté son nom. AndyK a remporté un bonnet et une cravate de Regatta Radio comme un prix de consolation. Nous allons exécuter Mystic Worlds pour les championnats de Karapiro en novembre, mais ne changerons pas le site Web pendant au moins un mois - les stats et les choix de HRR sont tous encore actifs comme événement actuel. (Les archives continueront à les garder quand même quand Mystic Worlds 2010 se mettra en marche). Inscrivez-vous dès à présent: après l'inscription, vous pouvez jouer à n'importe quel jeu Mystic, pas besoin de vous réinscrire pour chacun d'eux. Le nouveau concours s'ouvrira officiellement lorsque la FISA publiera les listes d'entrées (octobre, environ deux semaines avant les mondes), mais nous pourrions charger chaque pays dans chaque événement plus tôt que cela, juste pour que les joueurs puissent commencer la cueillette. Samedi 26 juin 2010 Une version simple du tirage au sort de la Regatta de Henley 2010 est ici: les jolies versions sont sur le site officiel avec les résultats de la qualification d'hier. Vendredi 25 juin 2010 Mises à jour de l'après-midi - Regatta Radio a commencé à diffuser en direct aujourd'hui et présentera son spectacle post-qualification de la fête du barbecue Leander. Cette année, ils ont une boutique en ligne avec une gamme de vêtements Regatta Radio. Les archives audio contiennent quelques-uns des meilleurs morceaux des années précédentes et la page Écouter en direct dispose d'une gamme d'options de lecteur multimédia en streaming dont au moins l'une devrait vous donner l'expérience Regatta Radio sur la plupart des ordinateurs et smartphones. Triste nouvelle (US) - Jill Costello, la coxswain Cal femmes, est décédé hier à 22 ans après sa bataille d'une année avec le cancer du poumon. Voir les nécrologes dans le San Francisco Chronicle et l'Oakland Tribune. Voir aussi le site Web de l'équipe Cal womens. Les arrangements funéraires n'ont pas encore été confirmés. Mystic Henley 2010 commence - La nouvelle compétition pour choisir autant de gagnants que possible à Henley Royal Regatta a commencé à mystic. rowingservice. Les utilisateurs précédents peuvent se connecter avec leurs détails habituels, y compris ceux qui se sont inscrits pour jouer à Mystic Worlds en août dernier. La liste complète des entrées a été chargée et sera mise à jour plus tard aujourd'hui avec toutes les équipes qui ont abandonné et les non-qualifiés. Voir aussi mystichenley sur Twitter. Qui montrera les derniers changements, les commentaires et les messages de bonne chance des joueurs aux équipes. Merci à Rowing Voice et Regatta Radio pour leur soutien. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas joué Mystic Henley avant, le jeu est d'essayer de deviner qui va gagner HRR dans chacune des 19 catégories. Celui qui obtient le plus grand nombre de trophées gagne un prix de la part de Regatta Radio. Cependant, theres une torsion pratique - vous pouvez changer vos choix n'importe quand jusqu'à 22 heures le jeudi 1er juillet. Donc, au cours de la semaine prochaine, vous pouvez laisser tomber les choix qui perdent ou regardent comme si elles vont lentement, et de choisir de nouveaux favoris, un nombre de fois. Vous pouvez voir quels choix d'autres joueurs font, ce qui peut vous aider à déterminer qui choisir. Les joueurs peuvent également contribuer à l'alimentation Twitter sur le site et laisser des messages de bonne chance pour leurs équipes préférées. Pour ceux de Henley pour le tirage de demain (Royaume-Uni), une perspective tentante: Sporting Life dans un ordinateur portable - Chris Dodd sur sa carrière couvrant six régates olympiques et plus de trente championnats du monde pour l'aviron. Samedi 26 juin, 11h30, billets 6, réservation de détails sur le lien. Je peux vous dire qu'il a de très bonnes histoires à raconter, qui n'ont pas toutes été imprimées avant. Il vaut bien une visite - RQ. Rowing Canada Aviron (Canada) ont annoncé leur équipe U23. Pour ceux qui ne l'ont pas vu à l'époque, la FISA TV feed de Munich comprend Mahe Drysdale co-commentant avec David Goldstrom sur les hommes célibataires finale (il a été blessé un certain temps alors pas de course). Maintenant que les courses sont archivées, vous pouvez cliquer sur celle que vous voulez, et sauter directement à cette course dans la section Coupe du Monde 2. Quelques beaux points de vue sur ce que c'est comme la course des grands garçons, de l'homme qui a abandonné avec eux depuis 5 ans et est toujours celui qu'ils veulent tous battre. Thursday 24th June 2010 Peterborough Junior Championships cancelled - UK - Sadly an extremely high build-up of algae on the Peterborough course (due to the sun), has led to the organising committee having to cancel the championships due to take place this weekend. A more detailed statement is available on the rowing club website (PDF format). A deluge of notices recently on the Rowing Service noticeboard. including items lost at regattas, wanted ads, and lots of boats for sale. If you want a plainer version then see the RSS feed which shows the last thirty adverts. Anyone want to catch up with Robin Williams (former GBR coach and before that head coach at Cambridge University), and in Henley for the month, should drop in to Totally Outdoors, his new shop at 25a Reading Road, H-o-T, 01491-576470. The shop sells outdoor sports clothing, equipment and books, but has a particularly large focus on rowing products. Australian rower James Marburg is doing an athlete diary from his summer tour to Europe with the Australian World Cup team. Wednesday 23rd June 2010 Andy Ripley commemoration (UK) - after the news last week, it has been confirmed that the funeral wil be a private service this coming weekend. But a memorial service will be held at 2:30pm on 1st December 2010, at Southwark Cathedral, to which all are welcome. In addition, to show the high regard in which Andy was held by the rowing community and Tideway Scullers in particular, as well as celebrating his yen for t-shirts, the club has produced 500 t-shirts which will be sold to raise money for the Prostate Cancer Charity. which Andy was passionate about supporting. The t-shirts are bright yellow, printed with the charitys logo, and on the back, words from his own writing: Dare we hope We dare. Can we hope We can. Should we hope We must. - Andy Ripley OBE. T-shirts can be bought by emailing Gareth Sharpe. The suggested donation is 7.50 though with all proceeds going directly to the Prostate Cancer Charity, anything extra will be gratefully received. Theres an obituary in the Telegraph. and an interview in May in the Times, as well as a great eulogy in Brendan Gallaghers blog. Not picked up until this morning - Sir Steve Redgrave injured during charity cycling event (BBC report, the incident happened on Friday in the USA, news came out last night in the UK). Hope youre not too bruised Steve, get better soon. The event was his entry in the Race Across America, with a team of mostly ex-rowers (Sir Steve, Malcolm Cooper, Ian Neville, Pete McConnell, John Mottram, Francis Paxton, Joff Spencer-Jones, Frances Spencer-Jones the Redgrave Crew). See redgravecrew for more about their ride, including blogs and pictures. THe aim is to raise 100,000 for Sport Relief and the Sir Steve Redgrave Fund: see the Justgiving page for the Redgrave Crew for how to donate. Theyre about 13rd of the way towards the target at the moment. See also their Twitter feed for updates and again some more pix, and the official RAAM site for full results. A reminder that Leander is offering a new Open House Barbecue at the club on Friday 25th June (UK). All crews taking part in the Regatta qualifying races are invited to Leander from 5pm-9pm, where there will be a reasonably-priced barbecue available on the boat hard between the clubhouse and the towpath, with a cash bar adjacent to the new decking. Two-times Isis oarsman Alec Dent, of Keble College, has been elected President of OUBC (UK). See yesterdays press release on the race official website. The draw for Nithsdale Regatta (UK, Word format) is on the Scottish Rowing website. And David Nolan has put pictures from the Scottish Championships (UK) on his Flickr page. Tuesday 22nd June 2010 The draw and timetable for Henley Veteran Regatta (UK, 9th-10th July) are online (PDF format files). See the main website for competitor instructions and past results. Information on the upcoming Holland Beker Regatta (26th-27th June, Netherlands), in both Dutch and English. Note particularly the overview page which includes the latest information on entries, soon draws, timetables and will later contain results. The draw and safety instructions for Egham Regatta (UK, Sunday 27th June) are online. Photographers at Henley Womens Regatta (UK) included BigBlade. Monday 21st June 2010 Points and rankings from the Munich World Cup regatta (Germany). See also the main Munich 2010 index on FISA which has full results by race, and official communications. The Munich results are also displayed in a different format on the Ruder-Weltcup website. which has a photo gallery from this years event. Results from Marlow Regatta (UK) on Mikrotime - Saturday and Sunday. And Henley Womens Regatta results (UK) in the usual format. The poster for Burton Regatta (10th-11th July, UK) is online (PDF format). The regatta is running a cunning Two Day Cash Back offer. where seniors who race both days get 2 off and juniors who do that get 1 off - see the file for terms and conditions. Both regattas are open on BROE (aka OARA). A reminder that entries for Talkin Tarn Regatta (UK) close at 10pm on Thursday June 25th. Sunday 20th June 2010 FISA are putting out live streaming video of the World Cup finals in Munich: see fisa. feedroom and then click on World Cup 2, on the LH side. The BBC is also showing the feed in the UK on the red button live during racing, and will show a 54-minute highlights package from 17:05 today. Note that it is apparently very unlikely that they will repeat this on the iPlayer so you may want to catch or tape it today. Saturday 19th June 2010 Rowing NZ has set up a Facebook page fpr the New Zealand rowing team which any current Facebook member can join. Lightweight sculls duo want more gold (Simon Hart, Telegraph, UK). The Times (UK) has a long report from Munich but you have to register to read it online. The list of Henley Royal Regatta entries is online, together with the 2010 press release. See also the general 2010 index which will gradually fill up with information, and the notice about temporary jobs. More HRR info - this year the usual extended train services will run, but due to a programming issue, Network Rail wont be confirming the timetable until three days before the Regatta. As a result, the extended timetable isnt listed on thetrainline or National Rail Enquiries. For full details see the First Great Western HRR page which also shows specimen fares ant the full extended timetable (PDF format). The draw for Berwick Regatta is up (UK). Friday 18th June 2010 Sad news (UK) - this message received on Thursday afternoon from Tideway Scullers: It is with enormous sadness that I have to tell you that Andy Ripley, rugby international, president oF Tideway Scullers and sportsman passed away at 12:30 on 17th June 2010 after a long battle with cancer. Further information will be posted on the TSS website when available. The results page for Henley Womens Regatta is being updated, as is the Twitter feed. though not necessarily all the time. Updates to the World Cup on worldrowing including live commentary during race, the racetracker live data stream with boat positions, and reports after each section of racing. These are also listed on the FISA twitter feed which dumps out their newslinks in a tweet format. FISAs site can also be obtained as mobile. worldrowing. designed for mobile phone browsers. Wednesday 16th June 2010 The organisers of the Bedford Lake project (UK) are embarking on a public consultation process as the next step to securing the development with Bedford Borough Council. They are requesting that those interested please fill in the online survey to give feedback about the plans. Planning permission has already been given, and the details are now being finalised. The trustees need as many reponses as possible by 12th July in order for the project to go ahead. The draws for Marlow Regatta (UK) are up - Saturday. Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon are online (all PDF format). The poster for Talkin Tarn Regatta (UK, Word format) is online. Tuesday 15th June 2010 The Henley Womens Regatta (UK) draw is online in PDF format, together with the list of crews in time trials. time-trial instructions and invitation to the crew reception for competitors. Worryingly, a single was stolen from a trailer at Peterborough City RC (UK) last weekend. See this notice for the details and police incident number. Reward offered for its safe intact return. The poster for Bradford Sprint Regatta (UK, PDF format) is online. Entries open on OARA, and close at 2pm on Sunday 20th June. A list of winners from Durham Regatta (UK, PDF format). Results from Reading Amateur Regatta (UK) are online, also as a spreadsheet (Excel file). Results from the Great Western Summer Head (UK) in PDF and Excel formats. Henley Royal Regatta (UK) still has a few jobs going for those who wish to work at the regatta. Alumni of Bath University Boat Club (UK) are invited to a Pimms and strawberries reunion party at 3pm on Saturday 3rd July in Green Field. Tickets should be ordered by 25th June (there is an online booking and see-whos-coming system). Monday 14th June 2010 Former oarsman Jamie Graham is doing a fundraising effort called the ForgetMeNot Row (UK), in aid of the Alzheimers Research Trust (Jamie was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimers three years ago). The row will take place from Eton to Henley on Friday 2nd July, which is Henley Royal Regatta week. He has been joined by a stellar cast of rowers and ex-rowers, including several other Etonians: so far the list includes Tony Pooley, Hugh Matheson, Peregrine Moncrieffe, Hugh Sturgis, Alex Angus, Michael and Jonathan Baines, Christopher Blount, Christopher Daws, Martin Fitzgerald, Andrew Gordon, Rory Mann, Robert Marsden and Jonathan Seddon-Brown as well as family members Magnus, Fergus and Colin Graham. They will be taking turns to join the row and collecting as much money as they can in aid of the charity. The target is 50k, and they are already more than 30k on the way towards it. The link above is to the JustGiving page where you can make a tax-efficient donation. The enterprise could do with a couple more coxes, so if any would like to join in on that day, please contact Vicky Graham. They may also still need a following launch, as the one they had hoped to use is being overhauled. All contributions to the effort greatly appreciated. Saturday 12th June 2010 01:02am Saturday morning (GMT1) - World Cup update from the intense game between Harvards footballers (sorry, soccer players), at Newell Boathouse: Yanks 1, England 0. Donovan gets the winner in stoppage time. England mourns. (Thanks to the Rowing Services on-site correspondent, CB). IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WINTECH HEEL RESTRAINTS which originates in the UK but may be applicable in other countries - There has recently been a problem found with WinTech heel restraints after a sculler in Evesham capsized and found that one of her heel restraints broke when she tried to extract her feet. The point of failure was where the cord is attached to a plastic clip. Fortunately she did manage to wriggle her feet out of her shoes. OarSport - the distributors of WinTech boats in the UK - have suggested the following work round, whilst they come up with a plan of action with WinTech: By-pass the plastic clip and secure a separate lace directly to the metal eye on the heel. The advice from the British Rowing Safety Advisor to umpires at control commission is as follows: Control commission checks should look very carefully at these boats and if there is any doubt about the heel restraint mechanism, they should require additional laces to be added. Talkin Tarn Regatta (UK) is open for entries online. Friday 11th June 2010 Cambridges May Bumps (UK) are as usual providing a live commentary through Cambridge University Radio. See the results page for the latest charts. Milton Keynes RC (UK) has done a revamp of their website and included results (PDF format) from their inaugural regatta. Wednesday 9th June 2010 The draw for Durham Regatta (UK) is up - Saturday and Sunday orders of racing. Results and pictures from the Canadian junior national trials (Canada Rowing Aviron). Tuesday 8th June 2010 Sad news (UK) - John Peters, former Molesey oarsman and then Leander coach, died recently. The funeral will be held at 11am on Friday 18th June at St Marys Church, Henley-on-Thames, followed by an interment at the Fairmile Cemetery and refreshments at Leander. Dress code: club ties. Leander is also offering a new Open House Barbecue at the club on Friday 25th June (UK). All crews taking part in the Regatta qualifying races are invited to Leander from 5pm-9pm, where there will be a reasonably-priced barbecue available on the boat hard between the clubhouse and the towpath, with a cash bar adjacent to the new decking. Provisional results from Saturday and Sunday at the Met Regatta (UK) - see also the pages for the Saturday and Sunday winners (good way to be sure who was in the crews. ) Russian rowing primed at Presidential regatta. Coastal champs aim to advance Turkish rowing. A British hit at first world cup (all FISA, WorldRowing). Monday 7th June 2010 Full results from National Schools (UK) are up in a text-file dump from the NWSC scoreboard system, including all splits. (Good way to do it, easy to find everything quickly). The points and standings from last weeks Bled world cup (PDF format, FISA). The index for the Munich world cup (Germany) is slowly filling up. Mostly in German still, more English pages usually appear once the entries close. Ignore the reference to the 2010 world championships on the current English welcome page - its just a typo. Thursday 3rd June 2010 CUBC coach Chris Nilsson (UK) is stepping down and going back to his home in New Zealand, for what are described as lifestyle reasons. See the press release issued by CUBC yesterday and the official Xchanging Boat Race release also yesterday. There are snippets in most papers, not all online, plus on the BBC website and in the Cambridge Evening News (UK). The CEN also has the announcement that Derek Rasmussen is new CUBC President (OUBCs elections havent yet taken place). Results from Monmouth Regatta - Saturday sprint and Sunday regatta (both PDF, UK). News from Cambridge (UK) - Rowers in hot water after complaint over speeding (). British adventurer Roz Savage arrives in PNG (Radio Australia). Various changes have been made to the Hexham Regatta (UK) draw, due to scratchings. Competitors see the website. Wednesday 2nd June 2010 Sad news (UK) - former HMSGCoupe and Wales Commonwealth rower Kay (Katrina) Jacks died on 16th May from altitude sickness, while in Peru. A report in the Daily Mail. Kay graduated from Imperial College last summer and was on a gap year. Egham Regatta (UK) is now open for entries on OARABROE, closing date 12 noon on Sunday 20th June. A link to the official website for the Holland Beker Regatta (Dutch and English, Netherlands), taking place on the last weekend of June. Monday 31st May 2010 Sadly, the rumours of Sims (UK) ceasing trading are true. ES Rowing Services have purchased all of Rays stock of supplies such as pins, footplates, etc, which are specific to Sims boats, and can supply them as needed to people who want spares or refurbishments. Contact Eric at ES Rowing Services on 01628 666 255. Entrants to Hexham Regatta (UK) are asked to check OARA, since there are 20 crews without events due to a lack of competition. Changes which might facilitate competition (eg moves of boat type or status) should be referred to the race secretary if you cant do them yourself in OARABROE. Durham Regatta (UK) - IM3 open and womens coxed and coxless quads are being run, even though they were not on the initial poster (the website is now correct). Doubling-up rules as per other IM3 events apply. Hooray Henley Facebook page. featuring a count-down to HRR and, apparently, news and hot gossip from the girls who scull under Henley Bridge (UK). The later newslinks from Bled - Greg has GB golden eight return (Mirror, UK), Better to come, say winning Cup pair (Stuff, NZ), Cool Campbell takes a step in the right direction (Belfast Telegraph, Northern Ireland, UK), Kiwi crew eye more improvement after world cup win (NZ Herald, NZ), Irish pair finish sixth in A final (Liam Gorman, Irish Times, Ireland), Grainger on top of the world (Mike Haggerty, Aberdeen Press Journal, Scotland, UK), Peter Reed steps in to help GB crew strike gold in Slovenia (This is Gloucestershire, UK), Canada paddles to 7-medal haul (The Province, Canada), Rowing world cup builds up with superlative performances from British crews (Rachel Quarrell, Sunday Telegraph, UK), Greg Searle claims gold on return as British rowers shine at world cup opener in Slovenia (Rachel Quarrell, Daily Telegraph, UK), US wins three medals at rowing world cup in Bled, Slovenia (USRowing, Row2k, USA), Kiwi rowers take out world cup event (Stuff, NZ), Bond and Murray star at rowing regatta (TVNZ, NZ), World cup comeback success for former Olympic champion Greg Searle (Daily Mail, UK), Oar blimey, Gregs back (The Sun, UK, with a highly inaccurate comment about Grainger and Watkins added in), Searle enjoys golden day in Slovenia (The Independent, UK), Searle the hero as Team GB dominate the water (ESPN, UK), No medals for Slovenia at first rowing world cup meet (Slovenian Press Agency, Slovenia), Searle rolls back the years to capture gold for Great Britain (More Than The Games, UK), Purchase strikes gold on world cup comeback (More Than The Games, UK), Greg Searles amazing comeback continues as GB eight win at world cup (Martin Cross, Guardian, UK), Moynihan shows class on world cup return (Robert Treharne Jones, Irish Independent, Ireland), Lamb and McCrohan fall just short (RTJ, Irish Independent, Ireland). Friday 28th May 2010 The Bled World Cup starts today (Slovenia) - see the FISA results page for results, communications, Quicktime audio commentary from the course, and timetablesresults summaries. See also the Bled 2010WCup2011 WChamps website. which includes quite a lot of local and venue information for this and next year. Rowing Voice tweeting non-results comments from Bled during racing on twitterrowingvoice. Sad news - belatedly from last week - Durham Regatta Committee chairman Jeff Lodge died two weeks ago after a short illness. Theres a tribute to him in the Durham Times (UK). Adaptive indoor rowing is one of the sports to be included in this years London Youth Games, 3rd-4th July at Crystal Palace. See the official website. and they also have Twitter and YouTube feeds. Thursday 27th May 2010 The 2010 world championships website for Karapiro (NZ) has added a cute feature: video flyovers showing how the venue is going to look during the championships. See the Karapiro video page. there is a general clip and then specific ones for the two types of ticketholders, showing their access route into the venue. Very impressive: good-looking but also extremely informative. Now all the venue has to do is live up to its promises A poster for the Great Western Summer Head. the first rowing event to be held on the Cleveland Lake, Cotswold Water Park (just south of Cirencester, UK). The format is a 1000m head, with all crews allowed to race twice per division if they wish (the race committee will take their better time). Two divisions at 11am and 2pm Head of the Lake prizes, open to juniors and masters. Hosted by Cotswold RC, who are based nearby at Keynes Country Park. See also the Cotswold Water Park website. where you can download a detailed PDF map of the western section of the park. Cleveland is lake 74, just visible at the lower right-hand edge of the first page of the western area map, and going onto the second page (lower left edge). Results from Weybridge Ladies (UK, last weekend), nicely arranged with the finals first. Results from Maidenhead Junior regatta (UK) in Excel and PDF formats. And from the Champ Eights Head in Cambridge (UK, Excel format). And from Castle Semple Regatta (UK) in Word format. Worcester Spring regattas results are up in PDF format (UK). Always nice when race secretaries bother to publish the number of competing crews, makes the results more meaningful. The provisional results from Nottingham City regatta (UK) can be viewed on Google Docs (a bit slow) or downloaded as a PDF file. The results of hte NOrth East regatta (Scotland, UK) are online. together with the results of the Championship of the Dee. the local VL competition, this year won by Aberdeen Schools. Oxford Summer Eights: Wednesdays bumps and Thursdays starting order. Wednesday 26th May 2010 The poster for Ironbridge Regatta (26th-27th June, UK) can be downloaded from the website (PDF format). The regatta is being held in divisions this year, for a change, and this means very hard rules about when you can and cant double up: competitors please note. The start order for Wednesday of Summer Eights (Oxford, UK, today) is on the Eights index page (in PDF format). The deadline for British Rowing Volunteer of the Year nominations (UK) closes on Friday 28th May. Tuesday 25th May 2010 The draw for National Schools (UK) is on the official website in various handy forms. Its another record entry, more than 4,000 competitors. This year there is a new J16 womens pairs event on the Sunday, and this year the J17 mens singles will be presented with a new cup, the Politzer Trophy, named for former NSR chairman Peter Politzer. Pontoon Sports, who make rafts etc, have started a Facebook page and a Twitter feed for their products. Hexhams Northern Rail Hexham Regatta (UK) has been open on OARABROE for a few days. Poster (Word) online, together with information about the grand prize draw (tickets available at the regatta). Rowing Canada Avirons lineup for the first World Cup regatta this week. The Scottish Rowing Championships (UK) have opened for entries. The Scottish Rowing My Eventz system is the route in: if you havent already registered, please do so if you want to enter. Scottish Rowing are also advertising for a new rowing development manager. See the job description and job pack (both PDF). Monday 24th May 2010 Results from Walton Weybridge Regatta (UK). From last weekend, Poplar results (UK, PDF). Results from Bristol Avon Saltford (UK). Shrewsbury Regatta last weekend (UK) has pictures on the Gallery page but I cant find the results yet. From last weekend, Bedford and Thames Ditton and Poplar (PDF) results. The UK Surf Rowers League (UK) has upgraded their website (looks great now) and people on the newsletter mailing list will just have received an invitation to the European Surf Rowing Championships on 28th August on Wijk am See beach in Holland. Theres also a regular blog. UKSRL members feature in the Russell Crowe Robin Hood film. The Talkin Tarn regatta poster (MS Word, UK) is online. Saturday 22nd May 2010 Biorower (created in Austria) is launching a new single sculling rowing machine, with a sliding frame to make the dynamics more precisely like rowing a boat. See the website for details of that and all the Biorower models. A visit to test and train on the Biorower in a club in Vienna is offered. Updated timetable and entries for the Bled world cup next weekend (FISA). A report on the Wedau regatta (FISA). Rowing on results for Oxfords summer eights (UK) have been sent out, and will no doubt go up on the Eights index page once they are finalised tonight at midnight. There are no race-offs. Draws for the weekends racing (UK) - Nottingham City. Worcester Summer (PDF), Walton Weybridge (Excel), Bristol Avon at Saltford. Castle Semple (PDF), Weybridge Ladies. Champ Eights Head (Cambridge closed event). The Walton Weybridge timetable is also available. Wednesday 19th May 2010 GB team for the World Cups named (GB Rowing, UK). A few extra notes: the W4x hasnt yet taken shape due to injury, so Vernon and Rodford are racing in a double and then being joined by Grainger and Watkins to form a temporary quad if there are not too many entries in Bled, just to get more racing. Whitlam and Reeve are the formal W2-, and ReedHodge the formal M2-. The M8s personnel may change over the world cups since there are injuries (most notably Tom James). A new M2x has arisen from trialling, WellsBateman, and due to injuries in the M4x group Lucas and Townsend will race another double for now. Hunter is also carrying a slight injury so though he and Purchase have emerged as the LM2x, Purchase will do LM1x for the first WCup regatta, and the LM2x entered is U23. Entries for Tyne Regatta (UK, sponsored by Port of Tyne) close at 10pm on Thursday 20th May. Details on the official website. Wednesday 14th April 2010 The draw for Chester-le-Street Regatta (UK) is online in HTML format or downloadable as an Excel spreadsheet. The information is part of the new Chester-le-Street ARC website. The poster for Tees Regatta (15th May, UK) is online in PDF format. Further information coming soon, and entries open on OARA this weekend, closing at 9pm on Thursday 6th May. Tuesday 13th April 2010 Entries for Wansbeck Regatta (UK) are now open. Danson Dashes cancelled (UK). A message from the organiser reads: It is very much regretted that having been advised of a number of unexpected additional requirements that we needed to meet in order to hold the Dashes on the lake, and having costed them, we can see no way that we could run the event without incurring a considerable loss unless we charged a ridiculously high seat fee, neither of which are acceptable. Accordingly the event has been cancelled although we still hope that now we know the likely cost we may be able to raise enough sponsorship to run it next year. From GB Rowing (UK), news releases and results from the finals. semis and time-trial from the recent selection trials in Hazewinkel. Also from yesterday and the day before, the Rowing Voice twitter feed from Belgium. now closed at the end of the GB trials racing (UK). Also from GB Rowing (UK), Raynsford forced to retire. Wallingford Regatta (Sunday 2nd May, Dorney Lake, UK) is open for entries on BROE (was OARA). Payment by cheque please. Entries close at 9pm on 22nd April at the latest, but probably before if they reach maximum capacity before that. 150 entries were received in the first 12 hours so competitors are advised to hurry up or risk missing out, say the organisers. Sunday 11th April 2010 Sad news (Northern Ireland) - The Belfast Telegraphs rowing correspondent Charlie (really Clifford) Charlton died on the morning of Saturday 10th April after a battle with cancer. The funeral is at 10:30am on Thursday 15th April, at All Saints Church, University Street, Belfast. The family invites everyone to attend a reception after the service, at Belfast Rowing Club, Hay Island, Lockview Road, Belfast. Thursday 8th April 2010 Wednesday 7th April 2010 A website and details for the 2010 FISA world rowing tour. which runs from 10th-17th October in Brisbane (Australia), on the Brisbane and Noosa rivers, and Noosa Lakes. Timed to allow those with leisure time to carry on to New Zealand for the worlds afterwards. See the foot of the page for the brochure. invitation. application form (all PDF) and detailed schedule. Numbers are strictly limited. The HORR split times for crews timed at Barnes Bridge, the ARA and the Finish, have been published (UK). The file is ASCII - see the link in the webpage to the full file but also the page shows the abbreviations and notessymbols used Monday 5th April 2010 FISAs Athlete in Focus this month is David Crawshay (Australia). Saturday 3rd April 2010 For those with iphones, its possible to watch live TV in the UK (about 20 seconds behind the main feed) using iphone. tvcatchup. Just register (requires choosing a username and password, no fee), then log in and click on one of the free TV channels including the whole of the terrestrial set (BBC1 showing the Boat Race coverage today), and most of Freeview. There are probably similar systems for other smartphones. Change in Isis - Ben Snodin is out (virus this morning is what I heard from the press office) and Doug Bruce is in. Friday 2nd April 2010 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR TIDEWAY USERS (UK) The PLA has dragged three of the navigation buoys the Black Lion buoy (red), Lep buoy (green) and Dukes Meadows buoy (green) right in to the bank in case the Boat Race coxes might need to steer in that region during tomorrows race. Users of the Tideway on Saturday morning please beware as they are in the way if youre working the slacks. All three buoys are between Barnes and Hammersmith Bridges. Because its a bank holiday, do not assume that they will necessarily be put back in place straight away after the race: it might take until the right tide for Driftwood to reach them, on Sunday 4th April. Please circulate to everyone who might need to know. Thursday 1st April 2010 Rowing Voice volume 4 issue 2 now out - Boat Race special. See this picture for the front page. Visit the Rowing Voice website and register or log in to read: 20 for the full years subscription, or 3 per issue. Any new subscribers who sign up before the end of 5th April 2010 and email the word REQUEST before midnight on 5th April 2010 may have their subscription (which will automatically start at 4:2) backdated to include issue 4:1, ie the first one of this year. Click on Archive on the Voice site, to see thumbnails and descriptions of previous issues. The updated subscribers discount scheme pack will be out shortly. Friday 19th March 2010 Details of the Walton Small Boats Head (10th April, UK, rescheduled from December), are now up. Entries online via BROEARA. Details of the Strathclyde Park Regatta and Scottish University Championships (Scotland, UK) are on the Scottish Rowing news page - see the links on the right-hand margin under the SPR banner. Includes an online entries link and information for crews. Thursday 18th March 2010 An invitation to the Wall Street Journal Boat Race seminar on 3rd April 2010 at London Rowing Club, Putney (UK). All details in the Word document. Unfortunately the River Rowing Museum evening Putney to Mortlake withe media scheduled for next Thursday (UK) has had to be cancelled due to lack of advance bookings. After a 10-year break, Erith Rowing Club (UK) will once again be holding the Danson Dashes on Bexleyheath Lake (south-east London) on Sunday 9th May. Details from Michael D Kennedy. phone 07904-444602. However, Michael is of email from 19th March to the week of 5th April so will communicate by mobiletext during that period and the information will not yet go up on the Erith RC website. Tuesday 16th March 2010 Live results from todays National Junior Indoor Rowing Champs (UK) on the London Youth Rowing Twitter feed. Theres also an NJIRC blog though it hasnt been updated since before the entries opened. The Welsh rowing trials originally scheduled for this coming Sunday (21st March, UK) have been moved to Sunday 18th April . due to clashes with other events. Further details will go up on the Rhywfo CymruWARA website in due course, and the athletes who have already entered will be emailed directly with the new arrangements. Welsh Rowing (UK) have a vacancy for a part-time, high performance Academy coach (PDF). Closing date 2nd April. Monday 15th March 2010 The Womens Head (UK) has their other results formats up - Barnes Hammersmith times. results by division and in alphabetical order (all PDF). A reminder that the Rowing Sabbatical job for Oxford Universitys college rowing (UK) is open until midnight on Friday 19th March 2010. A full job description is available (PDF format), and other queries can be answered by the the current sabbatical officer. Applicants must have at least three years experience in a rowing environment, experience of bumps racing in Oxford, some experience of event management, and should typically be recent graduates of Oxford University when they take up the job. Putney to Mortlake with the media - Thursday 25th March at LRC (London, UK) sees former BBC commentators Barry Davies and Peter Drury sharing their experiences. 15 including buffet. See the flyer and booking form (PDF and Word, respectively). Bobby Thatcher is doing stand-up paddleboarding and is helping a group bring some boards to the Tideway on Tuesday 27th April from 6pm onwards, to let people have a go. See link for the full notice (UK). Updated version of last autumns visiting the Tideway advice from Chris George (UK). Sunday 14th March 2010 Results from the Womens Head now available (UK) - overall by-time up (PDF) and the other analyses will follow when the results are confirmed. The GB squad composite boating from IC won, beating Leander by 20 seconds. Saturday 13th March 2010 The Womens Head is today (UK) - note that Hammersmith Bridge is closed to vehicles all day (but open to pedestrians and cyclists), and that congestion is expected around Putney and Chiswick Bridges. Results from Thursdays Schools Head (UK, PDF format). And results on MyRaceTime for the Oarsport Junior Sculling Head on Friday (UK) - overall results (sortable in various ways), and by category (ditto). Just remember when sorting the full list that only divisions 1 2 (older scullers) did the full 5400m (3 legs) - the rest did 3600m (2 legs of the lake). A reminder that the closing date for the OUWBC chief coachs job is Monday 15th March (UK). Potential applicants please do ask for the details first - its not a full-time job. Tuesday 9th March 2010 The Head of the River start order is out (UK). More blogs up from the Xchanging Boat Race crews (UK) with videos from both sides. Details of Abingdon Spring Head (Sunday 18th April, UK). The website for Pocock Racing Shells (USA) is pocock. email infopocock. tel 00-1-425-438-9048. With regret, the organisers have cancelled the Ponteland Junior Head this year (UK) since they could not find a date with suitable tides which did not clash with other events. The scheduled date of 2nd April 2011 for next year is hoped to be OK. Monday 8th March 2010 This years Henley Boat Races ball is once again being held at Phyllis Court on the night of Sunday 28th March, after the races (UK). Anyone wishing to go to the ball who has not yet bagged a ticket, please contact Alice Millest. Tickets are 15 per head. The Oxford City Bumps will be held on Saturday 24th April (UK). Theres a special offer on at Oxford Brookes until Saturday 13th March (UK) - 12,000 for a 2005 eight, plus two pairs, plus spare shoes and riggers for the eight. See the RS noticeboard for details. Full results, photos, videos, etc for the Oxford Torpids bumps are here on the OURCs website (mix of formats, UK). Christ Church stayed head in the men and Magdalen women claimed their first head of the river title. And from a week ago, the Cambridge Lent Bumps final results (UK). First and Third stayed head in the men and went head in the women. Out nice and promptly, the Avon County Head results from Saturday (Excel file, UK). Results from the Hammersmith Womens Juniors Head (UK). Provisional results from the GB junior trials in Boston on 20th21st February - Saturday division 1. Saturday division 2 and Sunday (all PDF, UK). Results from the Tyne Head in the last weekend of February - division 1 and division 2 (both PDF, UK). Results for the BUCS Championship Beginners Head from Saturday. and Sunday eights. fours and quads (all download to PDF files, UK). Friday 5th March 2010 This years Reading Head (UK) has been cancelled due to strong stream. Details of the Head of the Stour (UK, 21st March) are online. Held by Christchurch Boat Club in the local harbour. A link to a boat-builders in South Africa - Hartwanger Rowing. Their main makes are coastal, adventure rowing boats, and intermediate sculls. The Australian National Championships (AUS) are running, and apparently there is some racing some racing being streamed live and free. A website for Andover Crew (USA). Entries for next Fridays Oarsport Junior Sculling Head (UK) are online. Downing Street has responded to the Tideway sewage petition (UK). Sorry for the long gap - just been busy and should have updated before. More will come shortly as I trawl through the latest news. Monday 8th February 2010 British Rowings list of defaulting clubs has been published - they have either failed to pay affiliation fees, or have not submitted water safety audits. Oxford University Womens Boat Club (UK) has an opening for a new head coach. Applicantions on request, closing date Monday 15th March. Guangdong Province (China) is looking for a new womens coach (PDF advert). Closing date 15th March. The contract lasts until December 2013, ie until after the next All-China interprovincial games. The latest FISA Circular is online at WorldRowing (all PDF files). Details of the Snowdon 60th Anniversary Boat Race challenge on Friday 5th March. Details of the DInverno Sul Po regatta coming up next weekend in Turin (Italy). The results for the Hampton Fours Eights Head (UK) are online. They are being published by myracetime. co. uk. a results service set up originally to help Hampton School BC do its results, now a publicly accessible service providing results in multiple formats (including Twitter, SMS, Facebook) to competitors, and a timing service for race organisers. Nice neat site - when youre in the Hampton results you will see you can sort by category, club name, etc, by clicking on the headings. Results from Peterborough Head of the Nene (UK) can be found in the PCRC results section. in time and event order for each of the three divisions (PDF files). Results from the Wycliffe Big Head (UK) by division - note, in start order not in finish time order - and by event (both PDF format). Since it may not be obvious, lacking a time-order file, the RSSBC J18 JM8 (start number 101) was the fastest of the day, finishing 23 seconds ahead of Radleys div 2 entry in IM2 M8. Results from Durham Small Boats Head (UK) are online. A good weekend for clubs putting their results up fast - the other club on the ball was Warrington, who have published their Head of the Mersey results (PDF) promptly too. Category winners picked out in yellow. The start order (PDF) for the Henley Fours Eights head (13th Feb, UK) is online together with competitor instructions. Crews are advised to check the site for information regarding weather and river conditions, as the event draws closer. It has been confirmed that Tees Primary and Adaptive Regatta (UK) wlll run this year, on Saturday 7th August. There will be a mini-head in the morning and a regatta in the afternoon. More details later. The catering tender for Strathclyde Park rowing events is online (Scotland, Word file). Entry details for the Strathclyde University SBH (Scotland, UK) are online. Results from the Western Eights Head (Scotland, UK, Excel file). Amongst the rowing headlines (more tomorrow), the Halberg Awards in NZ were full of the sport. Roming dominates Halberg Awards (NZ Herald), Vili, Evers-Swindells lead Ladies Night (Stuff), Golden twins darlings of decade (Waikato Times) were the main stories. Winners were Mahe Drysdale (male athlete), Dick Tonks (coach), Eric Murray and Hamish Bond (team) and the Evers-Swindells (decade champions), but Drydale was beaten to the overall top award by shot-putter Valerie Vili. Friday 5th February 2010 Paul Neville has launched Intersport Racing Boats and is bringing some of his new stock to Durham Head (UK) this coming Saturday to demonstrate it. City Boathouse, during the race day. Pictures from the Scottish Indoor Rowing Champs are online (UK). At the event Mathias Auer (Clyde) set a new world record for the ergo marathon, finishing in 2 hours 29 minutes 56.7 seconds. From last weekend, the Quintin Head results (UK), in plain or also PDF format. In the main webpage, category winners are in bold and you can click on the headings to re-sort the results in different ways. Crew names are linked to their photographs from Birdman Photography. Thursday 4th February 2010 FISAs Athlete in Focus this month is Olaf Tufte. ITs empty of 2010 data at the moment, but the FiSA Team Cup (Seville, 20th-21st Feb, Spain), has an improving website on the event here. Some previous results are included, and if you click on Competicion there will fairly soon be XVI information for this years event. Tuesday 2nd February 2010 The Scullery is organising its annual junior head at Dorney this year, and sponsored so now called the Oarsport Junior Sculling Head (Friday 12th March, UK). See links for details. Entries are invited in a wide range of events. This year it will be 5,400 for J18-J16s over three legs, with crews required to keep moving as they turn (though timing will be suspended until they start racing again). J14sJ15s will do two legs in separate races (both from start to finish). Start order and competitor instructions (Excel and Word respectively) are available for Durham Small Boats Head (UK). Page six (boating times and penalties) are particularly worth a read. Durham ARC (UK) has two part-time job vacancies, 15-20 hours a week for one and casual (approx 5 hours a week) for the other, to start on 1st March and 1st April respectively. See here on their website for details. The page has job descriptions which include a closing date of 12 noon on Friday 26th February 2010 for the first job and 12 noon on Friday 12th March for the second job. Monday 1st February 2010 Tyne RC (UK) has agreed to take over the running of Ponteland Junior Head (see last years information ) now that the school no longer has a boat club. The 2010 race is currently allocated 3rd April, which is not good tide-wise, is on Boat Race day and is also Easter Saturday, none of which work particularly well for the potential junior audience. The organisers would like to move for better tides but to avoid clashes, and propose Saturday 10th April 2010 as the best alternative. They would welcome comments from local clubs on the general timing (early April), the new date proposed, and the format (3 divisions over 2400m). Next year they propose to move back to 2nd April 2011, which will fall within the school term. Contact Tyne via their website. The results and photos from the Swiss Indoor Champs (Switzerland) are online. Andre Vonarburg won his 11th Swiss Indoors title in 5:49.5. Details of Tyne Head (27th Feb, UK) are online. Friday 29th January 2010 Clothing company JKUK (UK) has an opening for a sports administrator in Putney, London. They are looking for an enthusiastic individual to join us and provide administrative support to the sales and management team. More information on the CrewRoom website. The closing date for applications is Monday 1st February 2010. Devotees of the New Zealand school rowing community may be interested in this new site from Nick McMaster which discusses and analyses results at the Maadi Cup National Schools Championship in recent years. Click on presentations but there are also some result analyses listed under sitemap which are worth looking at. Weather expert joins Boat Race team (UK). The official Xchanging Boat Race website also has update blogs from both camps - see the CUBC video diaries or OUBC video diaries links on the front page for the blog clips. City of Swansea RC (UK) has shifted its website to rowswansea. org. uk. There is a Level 1 indoor rowing coaching course being run at Durham Amateur RC (UK) on 27th-28th February 2010, 9am to 5pm, with the course fee paid for by the Tony Blair Sports Foundation. 12 places, first-come, first-served. Attendees just need to pay an extra 10 to register with ROWHOW unless they are already British Rowing members. Closing date for applications is Friday 5th February. If you wish to attend, please send the following to sarah. fanningtonyblairsportsfoundation. org :- Name, address, email, contact phone number, age and date of birth (why both), name of schoolcluborganisation as applicable. Durham School (UK) is offering sports scholarships for new sixth-formers, and includes rowing. Anyone interested in finding out more should contact the school or Mr J Williamson on j. williamsondurhamschool. co. uk . Last weekend lightweight Pedro Fraga set a new world record of 6127m for 20 minutes at the Amsterdam World Ergohead (Holland). Entries ar open on BROEOARA for Durham Small Boats Head (UK). The first 100 complete paid entries for each division will be taken. Online payment is accepted. A reminder that the European Masters regatta will take place between 30th July and 1st August in Munich this year (Germany). Contact Karon Phillips for more information. Monday 25th January 2010 Bert Bushnells funeral (UK) is on Wednesday 27th January, at St Marys, Henley-on-Thames, at 2:30. The family are happy for the rowing world to attend. Coldharbour BC (UK, alumni of the University of West of England BC) is holding a bash on Saturday 30th January to celebrate their fourth anniversary as an ARA-affiliated club, and to raise more funds for UWEBC. So - Coldharbour Party IV, 30th Jan 2010, cost 10 (UWE students 5), time 7pm to late, venue Thames Tradesmen, Chiswick, London, entertainment hog roast, fireworks, DJ, raffle and much more, dress code Henley Regatta attire, colour scheme red, white and black. Potential attendees please contact Nic Lowry. Coldharbour captain. Details now online for the 2010 Vesta Veterans Head (UK, 28th March, 11am on the outgoing tide). There is a vacancy at Active Tools and John Ewans Design (its sister company, UK), for a modelmaker. The role is broad but would ideally suit a rower with a modelmaking background. Crabtrees website address (UK, former CUBC members) is now crabtreeboatclub. Friday 22nd January 2010 Weybridge RC (UK) is shifting its websites. The new addresses are weybridgerowing. org. uk and weyfarers. org. uk. Links for Weybridge Silver Sculls and Weybridge Head have changed accordingly. Poster for the Bedford Fours Eights Head (UK, PDF format). Entries are now open for the Peterborough Head of the Nene (UK). Entries via BROEOARA. Tuesday 19th January 2009 Much requested both by those who were at the funeral and those who were not, Hugh Mathesons tribute to Carl Smith (PDF format, UK). The poster for the North of England Head (UK) is online. To celebrate their 75th anniversary, Royal Chester are offering one free entry to each of the winning clubs since 1935, which is 17 in all. Nice touch. Monday 18th January 2009 Sad news (UK) - Bert Bushnell, who was Britains oldest surviving Olympic rowing gold medallist, has died aged 88. Short note in the Henley Standard. The PDF poster for Kingston Head (UK) is online. Note an important change to the programme: the race will now be split into two divisions, eights at 11am and small boats at 2pm. Entries via BROEOARA. Rowperfect UK is planning a servicing visit to Dublin, Ireland. They plan to be based at Trinity College Dublin BC. Islandbridge, Dublin. Local clubs who have Rowperfects and wish them to be serviced during this visit should email inforowperfect. co. uk with their club name, contact details including phone number, and the number of Rowperfects needing to be serviced. Clubs are responsible for transporting their machines to TCD in advance of the servicers arrival on Monday 25th January, and collecting them on or after Friday 29th January. Payment by credit card only. Manchester-based company Quayside Clothing Ltd (UK) have products which might suit rowing clubs. They also say they may be interested in sponsoring rowing teams so potential clients could get in touch. Ask for Simon Turner. their online marketing guy. He says this is likely to take the form of cheap clothing for those doing a deal involving personalisation of kit. They dont offer rowing-specific items. Rowing news - Solo rower braves two oceans for Sidmouth Lifeboat (Devon 24, UK), Great day on lake for rowers (Timaru Herald, NZ), Rower Shaun forced to stay ashore (Coffs Coast News, Australia), Rowing Solo: Roz Savage (Daily Mail Online, UK), Rowers effort to help charities (RedcordNet, USA), Black nails, boozecake, birds and a bug (Atlantic Rowing Race, YachtPals), Crews hot in small conditions (Sunshine Coast Daily, surfboat rowing, Australia), Rowers set hot pace (The Mercury, Australia), BRC rowers off to Chennai (Sunday Times, Sri Lanka), Youngest transatlantic rower raises funds for fresh water (Tonic, USA), Catterline bid to revive rowing with community boat (Press Journal, UK), RCTW juniors prepare for SWEAT (Texas Sports News, USA), Rutledge looks back, offers advice to new Olympians (BC Local News, Canada), Accident led to CSHs Terry becoming a better rower (Greenwich Time, USA), Multisport: Ex-Olympian eyes toughest of records (Otago Daily Times, NZ), Like father. like son (Sunshine Coast Daily, Australia), Lost and found: James Cracknell goes geocaching (Daily Telegraph, UK), Rockland youth program teaches rowing more (WABI TVS, USA), Concept 2 Holiday Challenge raises 27,944 to support food-based organizations (Row2k. USA), More sixareen access (Shetland Times, Scotland, UK), Week one: Bexhill rowing club and the colonnade (Bexhill Observer, UK), Lets call fulltime on this and start again (NZ Sports Yahoo, involves rowing, NZ), Blenheim rowers get down to business (Marlborough Express, NZ), New talent for rowing club (The Recorder, Australia), Scull named in coachs honour (Manning River Times, Australia), 200 races in three days (Manning River Times, Australia), Facebook twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss offer Oxford experience in Boat Race (Patrick Kidd, The Times, UK), Lia bares all for rowing challenge (Southern Daily Echo, UK), Correction - rowing (St Cathareines Standard, Canada), Hinckley rows Head of the Charles for third time (Fosters Daily Democrat, USA), Griffins twin peaks (Irish Independent, Ireland), Scully throws down the gauntlet (St Helens Recorder, UK), Wetzel: Olympic athlete on the spirit of the Games (BC Local News, Canada), Corkmen set out for Barbados in rowing boat (Irish Echo, Ireland), Good vibrations for Beech boys despite lumpy sea (North-West Evening Mail, UK), Media advisory, Olympic rowing (Sports Journalists Association, UK, about a gold-foot-hand-casting session postponed from December). There are also lots of headlines about a rowing boat tragedy in Malaysia, but this is a dragon boat capsizing, not a fine shell (dragon boats can be much more unstable as the oars dont provide a counterbalance). Six Penang high school students dead, sadly. Saturday 16th January 2010 Just noticed on the Wallingford Head page (UK), tomorrows rescheduled Head is cancelled because the meltwater has sent river levels up 3ft overnight (and still rising), and the flow rate is up too. All cheques will be destroyed. Wednesday 13th January 2010 New UK company QR Racing is offering its first product, the LeverGlide adjustment system which is basically a quick-release for rowing stretchers. Can be retrofitted to most existing stretchers. Rowers rescued from docks by City Airport firefighters (Newnham Recorder, UK). The story was also in the Sun, with the extra par: They were confronted by staff and armed police checked if they were terrorists. Club rower Stephanie Lowe 27 said we were lucky - police said we could have been shot. The Northern Rowing Council (UK) is keen to gather views from their local clubs on the norths Autumn Sculling Series ahead of the imminent wash-up meeting. If (and only if) involved in the series, please download the Word questionnaire and return it to Chris Smith before Monday 18th January. Individual opinions preferred. Entries are open for Henley Fours Eights Head (13th Feb, UK) with the PDF poster available online. Further info will be posted on the event page in due course. Entries via OARABROE only, and payment only by cheque sent directly to the rowing club. Entries are open on OARABROE for Worcester Head (20th Feb, UK), and close at 5pm on Saturday 13th February. Empacher number slots are required. Ice ice baby - pictures of current and historical freezings of the River Dee (UK) thanks to Grosvenor RC. Includes a video of the Dee being frozen in 1963 with rowing club members and others walking on it (dont try this at home). (Thanks BC) . Event posters are now online for the Hammersmith Womens Juniors Head (Sun 28th Feb, UK) and Hammersmith Head (Sun 14th Mar, UK). Monday 11th January 2010 Carl Smiths funeral service will be on Friday 15th January, 1pm, at St Marys Church, High Pavement, Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1HW (UK). See Multimap location here. There are two multistorey car parks just a minutes walk on both Fletcher Gate and Stoney Street roads nearby. The burial is at 2pm, Wilford Hill Cemetery, Loughborough Road, Nottingham NG2 7FE (map here ), and there will also be a gathering at Nottingham Rowing Club, Trentside North, West Bridgfor, Nottingham, NG2 5FA (map ). As attendance is likely to be large, please would anyone wishing to attend any part of the day contact Alex by email. Entries for Wycliffe Big Head (6th Feb, UK) are open on OARA and filling up fast. A reminder that the British Rowing Team Leader vacancy (UK) closes on 15th January, so anyone interested should get their application in pronto. Link includes further links to PDFs with the job description and candidate specification. Entries are open online for the Thames Valley Trial Head (31st Jan, UK), at the new Marlow Regatta website. Click on the link under the Welcome headline to reach a page which tells you how to register and log in for online entry. Payment is only by cheque at the moment though they hope to activate WorldPay payment before entries close at noon on Saturday 23rd January. 10 sports gear inventions (Observer, UK) includes no. 8 - the Clasper racing shell. Tuesday 5th January 2010 Sad news (UK) - Monmouth RC are sad to report the death of former club chairman and regatta commentator Phil Mathew, 81. As an oarsman, he reached the final of the Wyfolds at Henley Royal Regatta with Worcester College, Oxford, in 1952, and became master-in-charge of rowing at Monmouth School, where he taught English. Last summer, he attended Marlow Regatta with the schools 1959 crew he coached to mark 50 years of winning the junior fours there. The 2009 Woodvale Atlantic Rowing Race got underway yesterday, after multiple delays, which technically means it should be renamed. Updates on the crews on the progress page of the website. Friday 1st January 2010 Happy new year. A reminder that (England and Wales) club water safety audits were due in yesterday, together with affiliation fees: get them sorted doublequick if you havent already. Burway Head (UK) has been rescheduled and will take place on Saturday 16th January. Entries are open on OARA, and have not been carried over automatically, so clubs who wish to go will have to re-enter. Friday 18th December 2009 GB trials cancelled (too much snowice making trailing dangerous in Lincolnshire, UK). There are no plans to reschedule though a private meet-up is likely at Caversham with all who can easily attend. News of yesterdays Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race trial eights races on the official website. Friday 11th December 2009 This Sundays Monmouth Christmas Head (UK) has received such a good entry that they are starting the first division half an hour early, at 11am, to fit everyone on. Although the river is currently high, there is still a strong chance that it will be down again in time to hold the event safely. Look for updates at this link. which is the events Google Groups page. Walton Small Boats Head cancelled (UK) due to strong stream conditions. Entry cheques will all be destroyed. If you havent already seen it, this notice on the Fours Head site (UK) details a partial refund to entered clubs which has been agreed. The Henley Royal Regatta stewards meeting took place last night. Two new Stewards were elected - Peter Cusack and Jamie Koven. And the date and time of close of entries has been changed, and will be 6pm on the Monday 16 days before the start of racing, this year Monday 14th June 2010. The rules on substitions have been slightly amended to take account of this. See the press release page for full details. Details of a full-time community sports coach vacancy (2 year contract) at Tyne RC (UK). Full details and documents on the link, in PDF and Word format. Completed applications must be returned by 5pm on Tuesday 22nd December 2009, and questions on the post can be answered from Tuesday 15th December onwards. Results from Rutherford Head (UK) division 1 and division 2 (both PDF format). The Weybridge Winter Head (23rd January, UK) is now open for entries on OARA. The Elite Athletes Supporters Club Facebook page (UK) is offering a prize draw for an iPhone for members who sign up for twice-weekly updates on how the GB Olympic sports are doing. University College Dublin Ladies BC (Ireland) has a new website at ucdlbc. webs. Thursday 10th December 2009 I gather that the main Atlantic Rowing Race 2009 website is at this address on its own dedicated website, which is good. The start was due to be on Sunday 6th December, but was initially delayed because the flares required for the competitors were refused entry to the Canary Islands by import authorities in Cadiz. Since then the weather has taken a turn for the worse and the plan is now to start the race on Tuesday 15th December 2009. Team lists and a tracker (once they get underway) are on the race website. Thanks several readers who helped with information. This years Bournemouth University BC calendar (UK) is a two-in-one: flick through it one way for pictures of the rowing girls, and the other for pix of the rowing guys. See this link for details and online orders. Dr Michael Murphy of London, Ontario, has become Rowing Canada Avirons new President (CAN). Results of the North-East Indoor Rowing Championships (UK, XLSX format) are online. Also available in plainer format on the NERN results page. Tuesday 8th December 2009 Appeal for help on 28th March 2010 - Volunteers are requested to come and help with the Henley Boat Races (UK) on Sunday 28th March 2010. The races are held each spring over a downstream course at Henley, but the present economic climate means that the event is currently without a sponsor, and cannot afford to pay for professional help on the day. If the event runs at a loss (as it did last year), the cost has to be borne by the athletes, who are already bearing a substantial charge to do their sport, since varsity rowing at Oxford and Cambridge is almost completely unfunded by the universities and colleges. Please see the race website if you are interested in helping, either on the day or beforehand. The athletes and organisers gratefully thank anyone who can help them run a successful event. Contact Robert Treharne Jones on infohenleyboatraces . Monday 7th December 2009 Catching up since Ive not had time for updates so far this week. Anyone who needs a giggle look at this extract taken from Hansard by AJ Potts. The December 2009 FISA circular is out, including the forms for retirement this year, and the anti-doping survey, plus important reminders for national federations to update their training camp location information. Thursday 3rd December 2009 The 2009 Woodvale Atlantic Rowing Race is about to start on 6th December, though irritatingly the very poor website makes it hard to find the list of entrants. 7 solos, 26 doubles, 4 fours. The dates for the UK Surf Rowing League summer series have been fixed: 5th June, 19th June, 18th July, 11th Septmeber and 25th September. The open championships are on Saturday 24th July at Saunton Sands. From FISA, The IOC honours Nilsen. Indoor rowing championships for mentally handicapped. Boost to rowing at University Games. and Scullers taste professional days. Wednesday 2nd December 2009 Wallingford Head cancelled (UK) - WRC Head scheduled for Sunday has been cancelled due to rising river levels and fast stream conditions. The event has been rescheduled for 17th January 2010 and all clubs due to compete this weekend will be contacted in due course regarding the new event. Cheques have been shredded. Burway Small Boats Head cancelled (UK) . a message from the organisers - Due to very fast stream, rising water and heavy rain, it is considered unsafe to hold the Burway SBH this Saturday. Taking into account the large and competitive entry received this year we are hoping to reschedule the event to a date to be confirmed. Kings College Cambridge have announced that there will be a memorial service for the late Revd Ian Thompson, on Saturday 13th February 2010. Further details will be announced nearer the time. Tuesday 1st December 2009 For those who havent seen the Rowing Voice since it went landscape format in 2008, here is a trailer PDF including tasters from the latest issue. Buying old volumes - the website currently allows buying of individual issues, but it may be tedious to do if you want to buy a whole years worth. If anyone wishes to back-subscribe to older issues a whole year at a time, please email me with the dates you want to subscriber for (12 months please, but a year can start at any time). I will then sign you up at the rate of 20 per year, and arrange the subscription payment, within one business day. Please make sure you register as a user on the site (for which there is no charge) before you contact me. Thanks - RQ . Results from Rutherford Head (UK) are now online. GB adaptive talent search - GB Rowings adaptive squad is looking for a fourth athlete plus spares for their LTA mixed four, which won the world championships this summer and is training for the 2012 Paralympics. Following the retirement of Vicky Hansford there is a slot in the crew - the LTA class involves low-level disabilities so some who are eligible may be rowing already in able-bodied groups and not know they qualify for the Paralympics. Below, a notice from the coaches: DO YOU HAVE A FUSED ANKLE If so, you could become part of Great Britains World Championship winning Paralympic four. You do not need to consider yourself to be disabled to classify for this boat and may already be rowing at a high level in a club, university or school. You may have a fused ankle because you had an accident, or because you were born with a club foot. We are looking for men and women who have this or a similar minimal impairment and who are ambitious to help drive up the standard of this crew and compete at the world championships in New Zealand in 2010. If you fit these criteria please contact Tom Dyson or Mary McLachlan . The rescheduled Glasgow Fours Head (UK) is now on Saturday 5th December. The drawrt lists are online (in PDF and HTML formats). John Kingstone is seeking a copy of the book The Story of World Rowing by Christopher Dodd, which is currently so out of print (in English at least) that even the author does not know where to find a copy. Anyone who can put John in the way of a copy please contact him directly. Monday 30th November 2009 Rowing Voice online rowing magazine vol 3 issue 9 now out. Robin Williams and Colin Smith on leaving rowing behind, Alex Henshilwood on how juniors can do better while training less, and Steve Schaffran interviews Great8 cox Ali Williams. The Rowing History Forum, two suggestions for improving UK rowing, and a cautionary tale from a learn-to-row course. Results, a good read extract from Water Under the Bridge . and racing from Boston to Barnes, plus news from across the rowing globe. Results from the Scullers Head (UK). Mahe Drysdale and Emma Twigg won their respective races in the Billy Webb Challenge (New Zealand), beating Tim Maeyens (BEL) and Sally Kehoe (AUS) respectively. Full details and coverage on the link, including videos. Friday 27th November 2009 Tuesday 24th November 2009 Details of the January 2010 World Rowing Conference (FISA). Registration and payment must be complete by 31st December 2009. Melbourne Argonauts are running an inaugural National Gay Lesbian sculling camp in Australia from 15th-17th January 2010. They are particularly keen to have representation from every Australian state, and Im pretty sure they will accept rowers from other countries too. Theyd further like to help set up an Australian network of gay and lesbian rowers, so invite anyone interested in helping to get in touch. See website for more. Gentleman Teddy Selwyn dies at 87 (Henley Standard, UK). Entries for the Welsh Indoor Rowing Championships (UK) close this weekend. Monday 23rd November 2009 Results from the Northwich Head (UK) are online, in Excel and PDF formats. World Rowing announces 2009 award finalists - the public nominations have been trimmed down to three finalists in each category, the winners to be decided by a FISA committee. Several previous winners are shortlisted again. Thursday 19th November 2009 Marlow Fours Pairs 22nd November (UK) - A message from the organisers - We will review the weather forecast and issue a notice regarding the likely effect on Saturday a. m. We will then publish our decision so that clubs can decide whether to travel to Dorney on the Marlow RC website. Assuming that the race goes ahead it will be the responsibility of clubs, coaches and parents of juniors to ensure they are wearing appropriate clothing for a wetwindy November morning. A crew will NOT be allowed to go afloat if the Control Commission umpires decide that hypothermia is a risk to a competitor. A Row2k (USA) feature - an interview with rower and artist Ellen Kennelly and Ellen Kennelly Endurance Artwork. an online exhibition of her work. Details of the 2010 Ratzeburg Summer Sculling Weeks (Germany) are online (English website) - the courses are not for competitive rowers, but for recreational scullers who want to improve their technique and enjoyment of rowing. The draw for the Scullers Head (UK) is online. Walton Small Boats Head (UK) is now open for entries via OARA. Details on the link. A group in Germany has started a Bundesliga Rowing League. a series of 350m sprint races for eights, 6 regattas a year. Its formally approved by the German rowing federation. Intéressant. The poster for the North East Indoor Rowing Championships (UK, PDF format) is online. Minutes for the Northern Region Rowing Council (UK) are online now. Entries for Rutherford Head (UK) close on Saturday. Entries and payments online only please. Entries for Wycliffe Small Boats Head (UK) are now closed due to high numbers of entries. Clubs can still change crew composition but not add more. After Thursday 26th November (the formal entry deadline) the 50 substitution rule will apply, but not until then. Details can be found on the new event website. Grey continue their rowing domination in Heads regatta (The Herald, South Africa). Monday 16th November 2009 There is an outside chance that ocean rowing is about to become very, very cool in the UK. Olly Hicks, the insanely adventurous guy who was the youngest successful ocean rower (at 23) and the first ever to row solo from the USA to England, has made a dramatic documentary about his attempt last year to row round the world. The attempt was made to cover the standard sailing route - round the entire Antarctic in the Southern Ocean - in ridiculously hazardous seas. He didnt manage it, having to call off the venture after a major technical failure, but then spent 50 days getting back to land, a feat in itself. During the voyage he became the first person to row the perilous Tasman Sea from Tasmania to New Zealand. Anyway, footage filmed by Olly on his antipodean adventure has been made into an action-packed film, Tenacity on the Tasman. Despite being an independent film, it is getting a Leicester Square premiere - the only other rowing flick to manage that was True Blue - and tickets including a post-film QA and entry to the afterparty are now on sale. (Hicks mentors and sponsors include Sir Richard Branson, so who knows who might be at the event. ) Anyway, the premiere is this coming Thursday, 19th November, at 7:30pm at the Odeon, Leicester Square. See the film website for full details including how to buy tickets. In a related vein, Chris Martin and Mick Dawson (UK) successfully completed their (first unsupported) row across the north Pacific, from Japan to San Francisco, on Friday. See the Golden Gate Endeavour website for details. Amazing. Sad news (UK) - Margaret Crowden, wife of rowing stalwart James, died peacefully in her sleep aged 83 on 10th November. Saturday 14th November 2009 Fours Head cancelled (UK) . Details online. Keep an eye on their Twitter page to see if the Fours Head (UK) is going to run. Decision to be made about an hour before start time. Friday 13th November 2009 There is plenty of immediate news today, which I will put up under Friday, and also two in memoriam notices, which I will move down to Thursday, below. If you havent checked in to this page for a few days, do read down. (RQ) . Cancellation (UK) - Pangbourne Sculls has had to be cancelled due to the dismal weather forecast. More information on refunds will follow - the organisers hope to offer them in full. They apologise for any inconvenience but decided this was the best decision given that many clubs do not want to travel in the predicted high winds. The Bann Head of the River (Northern Ireland) has been postponed due to the death of Victor Hamill (see below). Details will follow to competitors and local clubs. The closing date for entries for the Marlow Fours Pairs Head (22nd November, Dorney Lake, UK) is Saturday 14th November at 3pm. Depending on the number of entries received at this time OARA may be extended to remain open for longer, but only if weather conditions prevent this weekends events from taking place. Members of Oxford Brookes University Boat Club (and the former Poly BC), and members of Taurus, please visit this PDF link for an invitation to a stellar boat-naming party on Sunday November 29th at the Brookes boathouse (UK). Those visiting the Fours Head and Veteran Fours Head (UK) this weekend might like to see the following links from Chris George: Advice for crews in Tideway Heads. Advice for crews visiting on non-Head days and the Tideway code 2009. These are the previous TRRC advice pages, updated for 2009. Molesey BC (UK) has announced that Ben Lewis has been appointed as the new Molesey head coach. See PDF printable press release for more details. Entries for the Wycliffe Small Boats Head (UK) are open on OARA. Entries were 15 full one hour after opening, so clubs need to move fast if they do not wish to be disappointed. Details on the dedicated event website link above. The Northern Rowing Council (UK) plans to run a club development conference on Sunday 17th January, venue Durham ARC. Requests for specific content to Rob Cree please. The Northern Rowing Council AGM (UK) will be held on Tuesday 17th November at Chester le Street, time 7:30pm (light buffet from 7pm), including the annual election of officers. All posts other than the coaching commissioner, event coordinator, adaptive rowing rep, and two ordinary members, have signified their agreement to stand for re-election. Nominations for the five posts mentioned above should be made in writing and include signatures from nominee, proposer and seconder, and reach Chris Smith (8 Woodbine Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle, NE3 4EU) by the end of Sunday 15th November. Results of the Docklands Head (UK) are online (PDF format). Thursday 12th November 2009 Sad news (Northern Ireland) - Bann RC lifelong member and hon. secretary Victor Hamill MBE died on 11th November, after suffering a heart attack while in a double with his brother Norman. The funeral will be held on Saturday 14th November at 1pm at Terrace Row Church, Coleraine. Sad news (UK) - Cornish Pilot Gig Association President Ralph Bird died on Monday. See British Rowings notice. From NE Rowing (UK), details of the next Level 2 UKCC coaching course (January 2010) and the application form (both MS Word files). Only applications accompanied by payment constitute a firm booking. Any funding packages available to reduce costs will be applied only after the course has been completed and an assessment of coaches made. Cancellations can be made if you need to withdraw before the course, in which case cheques will be ripped up. The course will only be booked if there are enough firm applications by Monday 23rd November. Contact Rob Cree. The Henley 2k Ergo Challenge (UK) is a new event for teams and individuals at Upper Thames on 5th December. Full details and an entry form on the dedicated website. Deadline for entries is Monday 30th November. A plea for help and advice from a guy who wants to row the Irish Sea (UKIRL) solo next summer, and needs expertise in how to plan for this length of row. Chris Dodds 1992 book The Story of World Rowing has now been translated into Japanese by Akihiro Sakokibara, a surgeon from Nagoya, and published by Tohoku University Press. The ISBN number is 978-4-86163-121-4. Rowing Canada Aviron womens coach Carsten Hassing is moving to the Norwegian Rowing Federation later this month. Confido Racing (UK) have developed a new type of carbon fibre shoulder that can apparently be fitted into any type of boat to replace a broken wooden shoulder. See the product page on their website for full details. This year the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race squads (UK) are doing crew blogs on their preparation for next years race, including various bits of video footage. Monday 9th November 2009 The 2009 SilverSkiff (Italy) was won by Mahe Drysdale (open men) and Emma Twigg (open women) at the weekend. Results in various orders downloadable as PDFs from the website. Entry details and information for the Scottish Indoor Rowing Champs (Heriott-Watt University, Edinburgh, Sunday 31st January 2010), are online. The usual 2km events are offered, and also a 500m sprint in the open categories. A new online entry and payment system has been set up, which organisers would like to encourage competitors to use. The Mark Lees Foundation (UK), a charity supporting high performance rowers who are not eligible for Lottery funding, has an A3 rowing calendar for 2010. featuring fantastic photos courtesy of ace rowing snapper Peter Spurrier. Price 10 postage, available from the end of November. All the profit from the sales goes to the Foundation. Placing early orders will allow them to reprint if more are needed, and guarantees prompt delivery as soon as the calendar is available. Results from the Henley Sculls (PDF format, UK), now online. Results of the Wansbeck LDS (UK) online. And results from the Tees LDS and Tyne United SBH (UK) also posted retroactively online now NERN is in full swing again. More historical results on the NERN results page. Full-time rowing coach required for South Yorkshire North Nottinghamshire (PDF details), based at Balby Carr Community Sports College and Doncaster Rowing Club. Applications close at noon on Monday 30th November, role starts January 2010 for one year. Further details on the link. Sydney issues challenge to Melbourne in the tradition of Oxford and Cambridge (Rowing Australia). Thanks JM . A reminder that the British Indoor Rowing Championships (UK) are on Sunday 22nd November at the Birmingham Arena, and online entries close at 5pm today. There will be a race machine sale afterwards - details on the website. FISAs Athlete of the Month Is Julia Michalska (Poland). The 2009 World Championships DVD (World Rowing) is now available to order, from RegattaSport in North America and Mexico, and New Wave in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia. Coxultancy (UK) are doing another Fours Head coxing clinic: 10 per person, payable on the door, event from 7pm to 8:30pm on Friday 13th November 2009 at London Rowing Club, Putney. The LRC bar will be open from half an hour before the talk for snacks, drinks and hot drinks. Questions or confirmation of your attendance (not compulsory) to cliniccoxultancy. Friday 6th November 2009 Wingfields results yesterday: Alan Campbell beat Mahe Drysdale and Graeme Coleman in the mens, and Sophie Hosking beat Jess Eddie in the womens. Results mens race: Milepost 4-32 (AC), 4-40 (MD), 4-44 (GC) Hammersmith Bridge 7-58 (AC), 8-07 (MD), 8-20 (GC) Chiswick Steps 12-37 (AC), 12-46 (MD), 13-12 (GC) Barnes Bridge 16-49 (AC), 16-57 (MD), ntt (GC) Finish 20-27 (AC), 20-37 (MD), 21-45 (GC). Results womens race: Milepost 4-59 (SH), 5-10 (JE) Hammersmith Bridge 8-48 (SH), 9-07 (JE) Chiswick Steps 14-06 (SH), 14-28 (JE) Barnes Bridge 19-03 (SH), 19-28 (JE) Finish 23-05 (SH), 23-34 (JE). Full crew lists for the Fours Head (UK) are online. The Glasgow RC Fours Head (Scotland, UK) has been postponed (at the moment indefinitely) due to the high level of rainfall forecast and the current conditions in the marshalling areas. It may turn out that conditions improve by Saturday but the club was keen to make the decision before everyone started moving trailers around. They offer their sincere thanks to everyone who had offered to race, umpire or help. GRC plan to apply for another date to run the race, possibly 21st November, 28th November or 5th December. All cheques received for Saturdays race will be destroyed, unless their return is requested. Contact the club via their website. Rutherford Head (UK) is open for entries - online only please, including payments. More details here. Fanatic Sport Leisure will be at the event with a stand. Not entirely rowing, but. World in motion: five sportspeople who hated their sport (The Times, UK). Thursday 5th November 2009 Sculling match-ups on the Thames today (UK): Jess Eddie v Sophie Hosking (2008 champion in the Womens Wingfields at 12:45, Alan Campbell (2006 champion) v Graeme Coleman (Diamonds semifinalist 2008) v Mahe Drysdale (2007 2008 champion) in the mens Wingfields at 13:45, both races run Putney to Mortlake. Draws given Surrey to Mortlake. The poster and application form for the next UKCC Level 2 coaching course to be held at the River Tees Watersports CentreA (January 2010, UK). Receipt of a cheque constitutes a booking. Northwich Autumn Head (November 14th, UK) is open for online entries. The fastest boat of the day will be awarded the Tim Hooper Trophy (holders NorthwichLeander). Entries close Sunday 8th November. Details from the Canadian National Rowing Championships on Rowing Canada Aviron. Malcolm Howard won the M1x and is planning to aim for the single at the next Olympics. The funeral of Dr Sarju Patel (see Mondays news) will be held at Mortlake Crematorium (London, UK) at 12noon on Saturday 7th November. Clearly all welcome. The provisional start order for Pangbourne Sculls (UK) is now online. Coach leaves for the UK (Rowing Australia). Aberporth Rowing Club (Wales, UK) has recently reformed and relaunched its website. Tuesday 3rd November 2009 Update on NZ world championships and tickets: it is likely that the tickets being offered on the site (see below) are for real and publicly available. Last weeks sell-out was of a specific set of 1500 tickets reserved for rowers. Rob Bristow (NZL) has sent the following to help those who might be booking tickets. Here on Flat Water Fast Times is an artists impression of the grandstand as it will be constructed, showing a roof over approx. 23 of the stand. The building to the lower left is the new Rowing New Zealand High Perforamnce centre. On the other side will be the finish tower and press grandstand. Parking will be about 5km away from the venue with a shuttle bus system between there and the course: all ticket prices include the cost of this shuttle. Once the eight-day grandstand tickets are sold out, the only tickets sold next year will be general admission ones, which are not likely to guarantee any seating. The Wingfield Sculls (UK) is this coming Thursday, Putney to Mortlake. The womens race at 12: 45 sees Jess Eddie challenging defending champion Sophie Hosking, while 2006 champion Alan Campbell takes on 2007 and 2008 winner Mahe Drysdale at 13:45. A useful video from kayaking site Playak, featuring Tim Brabants: Top whereabouts tips for elite international athletes. The other video with Brabants in is less useful, except to those new to the whereabouts system. Various recent press links - Jorgensens silver lining (Guernsey Press, UK), Prepare to salute heroines (Henley Standard, UK), Berkley brothers triumph at Weybridge (Henley Standard, UK), Losing is good lesson, insists Triggs Hodge (More Than The Games, UK), Sir Matthew Pinsent: Mens four are as good as it gets (More Than The Games, UK), River rubbish cleared in new operation (Wales Online, UK), Barney finishes 55 places behind ex-Olympic champ (South Devon Herald Express, UK), Single-minded switch to the pursuit of excellence (Press and Journal, Scotland, UK), Whatever happened to heroes Heres two (Press and Journal, Scotland, UK), Stetson crew coach set to meet with pope today (News Journal Online, USA), YP veterans to revive Wallaroo rowing (Yorke Peninsula Country Times, Australia), Austin Rowing Club could lose contract with city (Statesman, USA), 100-plus lakes attacked by plants (WNTH, USA), Community Rowing named 2009 USRowing club of the year (Row2k, USA), Flushing gig club celebrate grant (Falmouth Packet, UK), Rowing regatta means big bucks for Chattanooga (ABC News, USA), Rowing her boat (Ada Evening News, USA), Interview: Olympic rowing legend Sir Steve Redgrave (Wharf, UK), Rowers scoop 3 golds, 6 silvers and 4 bronzes (Business Mirror, Philippines), Property venture for blind explorer (Wexford People, Ireland), McGill rowers shine (Montreal Gazette, Canada), Parramatta Rivers claim to sporting greatness (Parramatta Advertiser, Australia), Elk Lake boathouse upgrade gets Federal funding (BC Local News, Canada), Mark overcomes surgery to raise funds (Bradford Telegraph Argus, UK). ES Rowing Services (UK) will be taking a trailer to the north east of England in the next 2-3 weeks. Clubs with boats they want repaired or transported by ES should contact the office on 01628 666255 or esrowingservicesyahoo. co. uk. RowCo Christmas cards now available, also personalised Christmas cards. Monday 2nd November 2009 Very sad news (UK) - Dr Sarju Patel, 28, formerly of Hampton School, Edinburgh Univ BC, Kings College London and Alexandra BC, died on Friday night. He was involved in a pedestrian road traffic accident in Twickenham on the night of 30th-31st October and died of his injuries the next day. Details of the funeral will be published later - condolences can be sent to his family via captaintidewayscullers. Sarju was an excellent rowing organiser and current secretary of Alexandra BC, the club for current and former members of Edinburgh University BC. He won gold at National Schools while a junior and also raced and won in Scotland. WADA changes 2009-10 - WADA has made alterations to its official Prohibited List for the next sporting year. Most importantly, psuedoephedrine, found in many readily available coughcold medicines, is now on the prohibited list, which means a TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) certificate will be needed before athletes can use them. The system for TUEs for asthma inhalers has also altered. See the WADA website for the latest news, the 2009 and 2010 lists, and full documentation. British Rowing has put up a page with useful information including about the changes, which come in on January 1st 2010. FISAs anti-doping page has yet to be updated but is a very useful collection of links and details. Fluidesign UK has been set up to deal with importing of FluiDesign boats from Canada. There will be a new shipment of boats coming over soon, and there is a discount associated with orders placed in the container - singles, 2x - and 4x-. See the main website for products. The Head of the Float poster (PDF) can be found on the Liverpool Victoria website (UK). Entries close at midnight on Saturday 28th November. Online payment preferred. Results of the Upper Thames Fours Pairs Head (UK) are online. Results from Dee Autumn Head (UK). Results from the Tyne LDS (UK). FISA cuddles up to Russia (no not really, but the pictures a hoot) - Russian President endorses sport. Also on FISA, Learnings at youth coaches conference and Counting one year to Karapiro 2010. The official 2010 world championships website released some eight-day grandstand tickets last week, which sold out very fast (mostly to locals, I hear). There will be another release of general tickets and hospitality packages in mid-2010, but the official ticket sales website is showing availability for the eight-day grandstand tickets still, which doesnt entirely make sense given the sell-out news. Any more information I get will be put up here. There is an option for ezyTicket ie receiving them as a PDF which then obviates the need for postage. Note that for those trying to buy, its worth looking at the venue page and clicking on venue map to see the layout of the grandstand. It doesnt say, but Im guessing that the upper layers are covered and the front not covered, which would account for the lower prices. With a weirdly Halloween style dress code, the Vancouver Winter Olympics torch relay began in Canada over the weekend. The CAN Olympic champion M8 was involved on the first day, with some local junior girls, at Victoria Rowing Club. See here for day 1 photos. There are more photos from the media coverage on the front of the Rowing Canada Aviron website. Thursday 29th October 2009 The River Tees Watersports Centre (UK) is engaging in a process this autumn to find a new operator to manage the club on behalf of the Tees River Users Trust. The procurement information for bidders (PDF) and tender document (MS Word) are on the RTWC website, which has quite a bit of other information about how things work. Bids must be in by 27th November 2009, with shortlisting, interviews and a decision in December. Information and draw etc for the Canadian National Rowing Championships (London, Ontario, 3rd-4th November 2009). This year a CAN 20,000 prize purse has been announced for winning competitors. A new (UK) idea for Christmas presents - the 2010 Rowing Training Diary (order by emaileBay UK). The poster for Rutherford Head (UK). Entries for Glasgow Fours Head (Scotland, UK) close at 5pm on Sunday 1st November. Crews from Paris and Stirling University are competing, and are keen to borrow boats on the day if anyone can help (contact via the organisers). A note that while the webmaster for NERN (UK) is away, drawsresultsinformation will only be available to those subscribed to the North-East Rowing mailing list. Nothing will go on the website and attachments will not be visible to those reading the group through Yahoo Groups. Scottish Rowing (UK) has a new online entry system for those wishing to take part in their long-distance trials. Closing date is 5pm on Monday 9th November. Wednesday 28th October 2009 Entries for the Veteran Fours Head (UK) close at 5pm GMT on 30th October, including non-veteran categories. Online entries only, and online payment is preferred. They are also looking for race day volunteers to help with organisation, email vetfoursheadgooglemail if you can help. FISAs report on the world coastal championships. held last weekend in Plymouth (UK). And also from FISA, Zhang retires at National Games. and Coxswain Coates now on the IOC Executive board. FISA has had a difficult decision to make recently over a positive drugs test. The outcome is that Sergey Shushin (RUS) has been banned for two years from April 2009 (PDF file on the World Rowing site). Its a complicated issue and one athletes should probably read about to be warned of the problems its possible to encounter. A website for the Rowing Repair Center (Tennessee, USA), which does what it says on the tin. Monday 26th October 2009 Theft (UK) - A De Graf trailer, along with various riggers and four rowing seats, has been stolen from Holme Pierrepont (Nottingham, UK). Information and how to supply details if you know about it, on the Stolen Boats website. The Fours Head (UK) is closed now, and the entries list by event is up (PDF format). Note that the start order will not be published until 1st November. Crews boating from a Hammersmith club please note the restrictions on the use of Furnivall Gardens. Coming up on Saturday 31st October, Rowing History Forum - Mothers of Invention (UK). Main speakers: Tom Weil on the Mothers of Invention Gail McGarva on building Cornish gigs, John Beresford on his father Jack and his grandfather Julius Bill Miller on the crazy world of rowing patents, plus Rob van Mesdag on Venetians Felix dHaeselee on Belgians at Henley. 30 including coffee, buffet lunch, and tea. Registration - Joanna Gibson (tel 44 (0)1491 415605) or by post to her at the RRM, Henley-on-Thames (cheques payable to River Rowing Museum). The forum is preceded by the History Forum Dinner, a separate event, on Friday 30th October, with Tom Weil the guest speaker on Leanders Mersey beat. 39.50 per head, reservations and accommodation inquiries to Sheila Harrington (tel 44 (0) 1491 636760). Results from the Tees LDS and SBH (UK) now out. A website for Medway Towns RC (UK). A nice, simple, informative site. Overall results for the Weybridge Silver Sculls (UK) are online, also in boat type and category order. Last week UK Sport launched Tall Talented. a search for new tall British athletes for the 2016 Olympics, just like Sporting Giants. The sports included are rowing and basketball again, perhaps with others. Individuals need to be 15-22 yrs old, men 190cm (6ft3) and women 180cm (5ft11), competing in any sport at a minimum of county or regional level, agile or fit etc, and keen to become serious sportsmenwomen. Closing date is 16th November 2009, and evaluations of those who have applied online will then take place in January 2010. The case studies of former talent-spotted youngsters include ones for Gemma Akers. Vicky Thornley. Lucy Ryvar. Helen Glover. Ben Johnson. Ben Hicks. Samantha Fowler. and Bethan Walters. all through the Sporting Giants scheme. Newly launched (UK), the British Athletes Affinity Club. a not-for-profit organisation which supports GB athletes. Sports lovers can help by joining the Elite Athletes Social Club (free), the EA Supporters Club (12), or take out British Affinity Club membership (18), each giving diffferent levels of benefit and freebies. Friday 23rd October 2009 Rowing Voice online rowing magazine vol 3 issue 8 now out. The first Voice of the autumn hits your computer with the Olympics reaching Rio and the Great8 winning the Head of the Charles (preview only, full report in the next issue). The excellent and long-awaited feature from Victoria Wood tells the inside story of hers and Sarah Winckless headlong retirement into a marathon fundraising effort, while Ian Thompson and Paul Langguth are remembered in Enclosure in the Sky . News from Talkin Tarn to Falcon, EUSA to surf rowing, results from Bradford to the Yare Cup, the rediscovery of the lost Shanghai Rowing Club, and a Rant on coxes from Stan Collingwood. The Voice discount scheme is going strong: freebies and money off many rowing products for subscribers. The next Rowing Voice issue will be out in November. Deadline for copy - letters, news, reports, pictures, classified ads (up to 30 words), photo ads (email us ), features, and Rants - is 5pm on Friday 20th November. Spamscam warning (UK) - There is apparently an email roaming about purporting to come from Her Majestys Revenue and Customs, and looking as if it does come from a government address, with a form asking you urgently for your daytime phone number so they can process a tax refund. Its a scam of some kind: the address is forged and the form has an auto-return to a completely different website,, so theyre probably collecting numbers and email addresses for a cold-calling exercise. Delete and dont answer. Friday 16th October 2009 The closing date for the Marlow Long Distance Sculls (31st October, UK) is noon on Saturday 24th October. The event is open on OARA and online payment is required. Advance warning that the Marlow Fours Pairs Head (22nd November, UK) is once again being held at Dorney Lake, because the lock by the usual stretch of water is closed, and work at Longridge restricts the available river space for boating. Details on the Marlow website - it will be on OARA within the next few days. Thursday 15th October 2009 A reminder of the Head of the Charles official website (USA) ahead of this weekends big regatta. And from Row2k, feature coverage including the HOCR Rumor Mill and, of course, a preview. World Rowing news - Australia betters New Zealand in rowing clash (FISA). Germanys rowing federation is advertising for a new Sports Director - information from FISA (PDF) and closing date 31st October 2009. Mahe Drysdale is FISAs Athlete in focus for this month. Tuesday 13th October 2009 Very sad news (UK) - Norman Howitt, mainstay of the Cambois rowing club, fell ill last week with what turned out to be kidney problems, and was taken to hospital on Sunday afternoon for dialysis, but died of a heart attack at 10:30 yesterday morning. Boat nickage (UK): Poor Curlew have lost a shell, and have no leads on its whereabouts. It was a late 1980s stern-loaded Janousek 4 called Dorothy, with standard Janousek chevrons in the Curlew colours of light blue and royal blue on the canvases. The boat ID was of the form CURxxx. It was last seen when it was maintained about a month ago, so the suspicion is that it was removed from the rack in mid to late September. It should be stored at the London Regatta Centre, but has now disappeared and nobody at the club or centre has the first clue whats happened. Anyone who can shed light on where it might have gone, please email the Curlew captain Paul Williams. The Gloucester Long Distance Head (UK) has been extended, up to 7km this year from 6.3km last year. Race date Sunday 1st November, details from the GRC website. Results for Reading Small Boats Head (UK). Details of Glasgows Fours Head (Scotland, UK, Saturday 7th November). The prize list has been expanded, including categories for mixed crews and veteranstatus combinations. More on the link, including the PDF poster. The online entry system will be available for 10 days before entries close at 5pm on Sunday 1st November. There is a 3 discount for entrants who pay in full before race day. Monday 12th October 2009 It is with regret that the organisers of Berwick Long Distance Sculls (UK) have decided to cancel the event, due to the very low number of entries received. They do not feel that they could justify running the event on behalf of the region at a considerable loss for the small number of crews entered. Friday 9th October 2009 Dee Autumn Head (UK) is taking place in Chester on 31st October, downstream over two divisions, and organised by Grosvenor RC. Details on the link - competitors should note that the new NW region policy on buoyancy is in force for this event. NW Region change on buoyancy policy (UK) - all boats training or racing in the NW Region of England now requires boats to fuifill the FISA or RowSafe buoyancy criteria, even if they were manufactured before 2007. 1x, 2-, 2 and 2x are considered automatically buoyant due to their construction. 4x, 4-, 4, 4x, 8 and 8x with sealable compartments under seats and in canvases will be expected to have proper seals or bungs in place: if the compartments are open, they will be expected to have suitable buoyancy additions (eg buoyancy bags or similar, non-absorbent foam blocks, etc) under each seat to bring the boat up to the right flotation standard. Contact the Dee organisers for full details if you are from outside the region but aiming to race there. EU to prosecute over discharge of raw sewage into the Thames (The Times, UK). Dont pay attention to the silly womans assertion that the river is to be used by rowers during the Olympics. It may well be, but not as part of the Olympics. Thanks RP and TR Thursday 8th October 2009 The Second Thames RC reunion lunch (UK) is happening on Sunday 22nd November at the club. This one is aimed at those who were active members in the 1980s and 1990s, lapsed members welcome. Details of Tyne United small boats head (UK, PDF poster). A reminder that if you listened to Regatta Radio (UK) during Henley Royal Regatta this year, your feedback would be welcome - fill in the online questionnaire. The provisional draw (PDF) for the Clydesdale Scullers Head (UK) is online. There is a petition in at No. 10 (UK) to get the government to implement stricter LGV safety standards, so that unsafe lorries would not endanger cyclists in London. See this link for details. The deadline for signing up is 1st December 2009 and there are already 1,474 signatures as of today. Note that the Tideway Sewage petition only has 1,447 signatures and closes on 31st January 2010. Monday 5th October 2009 Scottish Rowing (UK) have decided to hold a competition to design a new logo for the organisation. The prize for the winner will be a free 2-hour coaching session for the winner and their club with a high performance coach. Entries should be sent to Jo Ramsay, SR administrator, by 14th October. Results of the E. ON Hanse Cup (Germany) last weekend - Germany won again, with their full world-champs-winning eight. Canadas entire silver-medal eight from this year was 24 seconds behind them in second place, a mixed US squad crew third by another eighteen seconds, and an Under-23 GB crew was fourth almost a minute further back. The draw for Wear LDS is online (UK, Excel format). Sarah Outen, the first woman to row solo across the Indian Ocean, is doing a public talk on her exploits on Monday 19th October (UK). Venue: St Edwards School, Oxford. Time: 7:30pm. All proceeds go to the charity Arthritis Care. Tickets from North Wall and more information here on the Teddies site. Welsh Rowing (UK) are inviting applications for the posts of Team Manager and Assistant Team Manager for the Welsh squad (Team Cymru), current season. The links go to the full job descriptions, in Word format. Applications should include a letter detailing experience and saying why the candidate thinks they are suitable for the role, and should be made by 15th October 2009. A selection interview will be held in late October. Send applications to Andrew Williams. Rowing Voice copy deadline - Volume 3 issue 8 will come out in just over 2 weeks. The deadline for submissions is 5pm BST on Friday 16th October 2009. Classified adverts free up to 30 words. News short articles approx. 50-150 words. Rants on your pet hatelove in rowing, up to 350 words. Commercial adverts, feature articles, race reports, Picture of the Month and other ideas please contact the magazine. The website is at voice. rowingservice. An update to the magazines reader discount scheme will be published at the same time. Saturday 3rd October 2009 Cancellation (UK) - South Hylton Long Distance Sculls has been cancelled on safety grounds due to gale force winds. Partial refunds should be payable as per the poster. Friday 2nd October 2009 Racing late update (UK) - South Hylton Long Distance Sculls, meant to be running tomorrow, faces forecast bad weather. The organisers will review the situation at 12:30pm and if they need to cancel, will notify everyone involved in the race. Otherwise, competitors should expect it to run. Late update - The vote for the 2016 Olympic city is happening today. Earlier on Chicago (the one which would have had the rowing on a harbour lake right in the very centre of the Games) was rather unexpectedly eliminated by the knock-out voting, as was Tokyo in the next round. It is now down to Rio de Janeiro and Madrid. Both have strong chances, the latter because of the continuing influence of former IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch. If Madrid does get the Games it will be the second time for a Spanish city inside 25 years. The vote has happened and the result is being announced in Copenhagen at 7pm local time 5pm GMT. See live updates from the BBC amongst others, which also includes a live streaming video from the Copenhagen meeting. 17:50 BST - and its Rio de Janeiro for 2016 . Tideway Head of the River news (UK). The next HORR race will start at 13:15 GMT on Saturday 27th March 2010 - time now confirmed. The 2011 race (currently scheduled for 19th March) may shift - tbc - but the two after that are confirmed date-wise, with provisional times: 11:00 on Saturday 17th March 2012, and 13:00 on Saturday 23rd March 2013. Entries are open for Tees SBH (UK) on OARA. Information and an entry form for the Long Distance Sculling Series on the NERN website (MS Word format). Results from last weekends Chester LDS (UK) are online, division 1 and division 2. both in PDF format. The Victor Ludorum has changed, and is now York City, not Grosvenor as previously announced. The PLA (Port of London Authority, UK) is holding a public meeting about the tidal Thames, at which senior managers can be quizzed about the work of the PLA, developments, and operations on the Tideway. This is one of several meetings, and is being held at London Rowing Club at 6:30pm on Thursday 8th October, with a view to covering upper-reach issues specifically. See the official notice here. Thursday 1st October 2009 Very sad news (UK) - John Rose, a highly respected long-term member of Evesham Rowing Club, died in his sleep unexpectedly on 29th September 2009. More on the club website. The Cambridge Rowing Lakes set-up is now running as Cambridge Sport Lakes (UI), with a similarly changed URL. Not sure how much progress has been made on the actual lake creation since the latest real update is from 2 years ago (barring various social events). A link to the Damflask reservoir project (UK), creating a new eco-friendly replacement for either or both of Sheffield Hallam University and Sheffield University RCs boathouses. It was launched on Tuesday. Wednesday 30th September 2009 Details of the Upper Thames Small Boats Head (Sun 1st November, UK, Word format). No, Ive no idea why it isnt linked on the Upper Thames website yet, but Im getting rather bored of replying to clubs saying please put it up yourself and I will link it and then having to wait days for the answer. FOR THE INFORMATION OF THOSE WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND - the internet is SUPPOSED to be run with SINGLE COPIES OF FILES - after all, they can be accessed by anyone anywhere. Theres a reason its called the World Wide Web. So dont send me your file unless you have a good reason (no website, inactive webmaster, urgent news) why you cant host the file yourself. MULTIPLE COPIES OF ONLINE FILES ARE ANNOYING, STUPID, AND POINTLESS, whatever most office workers seem to think. Not least because when you then want to change something, you have to ask everyone to change their copy. I am and always have been very happy to host files for those who cant do it themselves, or to do so temporarily to fill a gap until the website can be updated, thats not a problem. But otherwise you should do it yourselves. OK, rant over. RQ . The competitor instructions for the Hylton LDS (UK) are online in Word format. This years Cambridge Autumn Head (UK) will be run on October 17th. Full details available here. Results are also now available for the recent Small Boats Head. in various versions (all PDF). Tyne Rowing Club (UK) has shifted its website to tynerowingclub. org and had a revamp. Nice work - looks good and is mostly well up to date. Tuesday 29th September 2009 Very sad news - I hadnt scouted the links for this yesterday, but Paul The Bear Langguth (rower at IC, UTRC, LC) died tragically in a motorbike crash a week ago during the Henley area morning rush hour. See a report in the Henley Standard (UK) and its obituary of Paul. Details of Tees Small Boats Head (Sat 24th October, UK) are starting to go up on the linked page. Entries will open early in October on OARA, but note that some of the information lower on the linked page is from last years event. A link to the official website for the Scottish Coastal Project (Scotland, UK), mentioned last week (below). Photos from the Isis Sculls and the 2009 National Bangladeshi Boat Race (traditional Bangladeshi boats, at Falcon last week), both on BigBlade (UK). Results from the Isis Sculls (UK) are online in PDF files, several versions. Former rower strikes gold (Henley Standard, UK). Those who saw the news about Ian Thompson may also have seen the large number of other press reports over the last few days, of which this article is one example (the Press and Journal, Scotland, UK). Monday 28th September 2009 The ARA formally changes to British Rowing today, with GB Rowing remaining the international team. The website becomes britishrowing. org though the old name (and also britishrowing. org. uk) will bounce to the new address. Emails change as follows: those which were name. surnameara-rowing. org will become name. surnamebritishrowing. org . and the old name. surnamegbrowing. org. uk will become name. surnamegbrowingteam. org. uk . Emails will also redirect for a while. This years Great Race (NZ) went to the University of Waikato, who beat a crew from Oxford University by a length and a half. Sydney University beat University of Waikato in the womens race. Highlights videos from both races and the accompanying events on the coverage page of the site. The files are large, and should run with Windows Media Player or Quicktime. Rowing regattas return to the Firth of Forth (The Times, UK) - about a revival of Nordic skiff rowing. The Veteran Fours Head (UK) is open for entries. FISA A-H categories 44-4x openwomenmixed, Veteran Novice 44x (open and women only), plus IM3 44x, and J18 4-4, both in open and womens categories. The date for the Northern Regional Rowing Council AGM (UK) has been changed to 17th November 2009 to avoid clashes with other club meetings. Agecroft Head (Sat 17th October, UK) is open for entries on OARA. Unfortunately the clubs usual website at agecroftrc. org. uk seems to have been hijacked at the moment. Henley Sculls (7th November, UK) is open on OARA. Payment by cheque only. Entries will only be validated by receipt of a cheque before 12 noon on 31st October. The draw for Hylton Long Distance Sculls (UK, Excel format) is online. Sunday 27th September 2009 Very sad news (UK) - the Rev Ian Thompson, CUCBC treasurer, dean of chapel at Kings College Cambridge and for many years central to the Cambridge college rowing community, died from heart failure last Thursday. Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced but it will be a small family event. Wednesday 23rd September 2009 The date of next years European Championships has been set as 10th September 2010 in Montemar-o-Velho, Portugal. Results for the Great River Race (provisional, UK). Tuesday 22nd September 2009 Lots of new notices on the RS board. including a vacancy for a lead coach at Molesey (UK). The Iran coaching job applications vlose on 2nd November (FISA, PDF). And the Singaporean Rowing Association is looking for a new coach too - closing date 30th September and PDF with details from FISA. GB Rowing (UK) is looking for an administrator based at HQ in Hammersmith. Applications close on 30th September. This year FISA has opened the World Rowing Awards nominations to the general public. The list of previous winners is online, and also the 2009 awards nomination form. The categories open are: Coach of the Year (must have coached an international crew during 2009) 2009 Male RowerCrew of the Year (include information about their most recent FISA result) Female RowerCrew of the Year (include most recent FISA result) Adaptive RowerCrew of the Year (include most recent FISA result) Distinguished Service to Rowing Medal (include list of achievements for which they deserve the medal). I note that for some reason FISAs form says Female Crew of the Year rather than Female RowerCrew but that must surely be a mistake. It is normal for FISA to recognise whole crews rather than just one rower from a multi-person crew. This is the first time that the adaptive crews have also been recognised. Entries close 12th October at midnight CET (GMT2) . If you want some help deciding who deserves what then the Rowing Voice has the full story of this years World RowingFISA events, from the world cups to the many fine performances at the world championships. And in the UK, nominations for the the Sunday Times Sportswomen of the Year Awards 2009 close at midday (BST) on Wednesday 23rd September. Nominate those women who have contributed to British sporting success in 10 categories by visiting this page and clicking on the link at the bottom. The shortlist for the actual Sportswoman of the Year will be drawn up separately by the Sunday Times judges and then opened for voting. Those who nominate in the other 10 categories will be eligible to win two tickets to the awards lunch on November 3rd. On 28th September the ARA (UK) will change its name to British Rowing at all levels, and its website will shift to britishrowing. org . The address is already active and both that and british-rowing. org default to the current site and address. Monday 21st September 2009 Entries information for Pangbourne Sculls (14th November, UK). Changes this year - only two full course divisions, and no short course division for J13s and below. Entries for the Pairs Head (17th October, UK) are open on OARA. Entries close on 5th October or when full: they are restricted to 400 this year beause of the late start time of 3:45pm. Full details on the official website

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